(Declaration of Faith)
Ritual of Worship (Ibadat) |
1. Shahaada |
2. Salat |
3. Saum |
4. Zakat |
5. Haj |
A person declares his belief in Islam by declaring the Shahaada.
Shahaada consists of declaring two sentences, the meaning of which is profound.
All that a person has to say is:
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله
أشهد أن محـمداً رسـول الله
I declare that there is no deity except Allah
I declare that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
The meaning of these sentences is deep. A person who admits these words and
believes in them will mean to believe in:
Allah Almighty, His Oneness and attributes,
the Holy Quran, the Book of God and all its contents,
that Muhammad (pbuh) is Allah's Messenger and His chosen Prophet, the last of all Prophets, and
all the sayings and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Thus, a person who declares the Shahaada is a person who is declaring
acceptance of the teachings of Islam, and that Islam has become his religion.

As mentioned before, the Shahaada consists of two parts, the first one being in
regard to faith in Allah (God). The second part is in regard to faith in the
Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (pbuh). When we say:
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله
I declare that
there is no deity except Allah
we mean that Allah (God) is the only Being we worship. Allah is One and there
is no trinity in Islam. The Oneness of Allah (Tawhid)
is the basis of our belief in Islam. Allah Almighty has mentioned that fact
many times in His Holy Book, the Holy Quran.
God exists, He is One, He is Just, He is the Creator, and He is supreme.
Allah describes Himself in
Surah 2: Ayah 163 as follows:
وَإِلَـهُكُمْ إِلَهٌ وَاحِدٌ لاَّ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الرَّحْمَنُ الرَّحِيمُ
And your
God is One There is
no God except He,
Gracious, Most Merciful
God also says in
Surah 112: Ayah 1-5:
هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ
اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ
لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ
وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ
Say, He
is God the One, God who
is needed by all
begets not, Nor is
He begotten
there is none comparable to Him
(God) declares Himself that He is One. He has no partners. He has no
father or mother. He does not have a child or any children. And He
says that there is none equal to Him.
Allah Almighty has always existed, and will always exist.
Allah's Oneness (Tawhid)
is a fundamental Islamic belief.
Justice (Adl)
is absolute and perfect.

There are thirteen attributes of Allah.
Whenever we mention the word Allah, it is good to say (swt)
which means
Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala,
standing for
Glory be to Him.
Allah's thirteen attributes are as follows:
Allah (God) exists
Allah (God) has no beginning
Allah (God) has no end
Allah (God) none is like Him
Allah (God) is self‑sustaining
Allah (God) is One
Allah (God) is Mighty
Allah (God) creates by His will
Allah (God) is All‑Knowing
Allah (God) is living
Allah (God) hears everything
Allah (God) sees everything
Allah (God) speaks
schools of thought in Islam categorize the attributes differently, for more
details see Way of Ahlul Bayt of the Series of Islamic Books for Beginners)

Allah is Timeless and Eternal.
Allah is Omnipotent.
Allah is All-Knowing.
Allah is Ever-living.
Allah is the Willing (Will of God).
Allah is the Perceiver:
a. All-Seeing,
b. All-hearing,
c. Omnipresent.
Allah is the Master of the Word (He says "BE"
and it will)
Allah is the Truthful.

(Aspects of Negation of God's Being)
Allah does not have a body.
Allah is not composed of constituents.
Allah is not contained.
Allah does not incarnate into anything.
Allah does not coalesce with anything.
Allah cannot be seen.
Allah is not susceptible to change.
Allah's Being and His attributes are one and the same.

As mentioned the second sentence of the Shahaada is about faith in the
Messenger of Allah meaning Muhammad (pbuh). When a person says:
أشهد أن محـمداً رسـول الله
I declare that Muhammad is the Messenger of God
he declares that he accepts and follows the Holy Quran and all the teachings of
Prophet Muhammad.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had delivered Allah's Message whole and complete.
Allah's words were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by the Angel Jubra'eel
(Gabriel). It was revealed step by step over a period of twenty-three years,
when the message was completed. Allah's Message constituted Allah's Book, the
Holy Quran, as revealed to Muhammad, Allah's Messenger to humanity.
When we mention the name of Prophet Muhammad, we should always say: peace be
upon him, or in short (pbuh).

Acceptance of the Shahaada means the acceptance of the teachings of Islam.
This means that:
A. Islam teaches us the basics of our faith as:
1. the belief in Allah (God,)
2. the belief in the Prophets and that Muhammad is the last one,
3. the belief in the Angels of God,
4. the belief in the Holy Books of God, and
5. the belief in the Day of Judgment and the Hereafter.
B. Islam teaches us to worship. The basics of our Ibadat or acts of
worship are the following:
Salat (Prayer),
Saum (Fasting),
Zakat (Poor due),
Haj (Pilgrimage), and
Living a chaste Islamic life, encouraging good deeds and prohibiting evil.
C. Islam also teaches us about:
1. how to live decently and be good,
2. how to deal with others in a proper manner,
3. what is permitted or lawful (Halal),
4. what to avoid (Haram), and
5. how to apply the discipline of Islam and use it as a way of life.
This book deals with the components of Ibadat (Acts of Worship). Salat
(Prayer), will be dealt with in general terms, but the teacher or parents are
expected to help teach the technique of performing it. This book will give you
a general idea only, the details of the techniques are provided in Book of Salat
(Islamic Books for Beginners). This information is essential to learn.
Saum, Zakat and Haj are also treated in general, yet very useful terms.

How does a person declare himself to be a Muslim?
Say the Shahaada.
What is the meaning of Shahaada?
What does the first sentence of Shahaada mean?
What are God's attributes?
Whose justice is absolute?
What is the meaning of the second sentence of Shahaada?
What does the acceptance of Shahaada mean?
What are the basics of our faith (Iman)?
What are the basics of our Ibadat?
What is meant by the clean Islamic life?
Is it enough to say the Shahaada without meaning it?
What does declaring that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger mean?
What does the Shahaada tell us?
Why is the importance of the oneness of Allah?