Islam: Pure and Simple (Part #5)
A Universal Message to Mankind
Abdullatif ALJIBURY PH.D.
Danville. CA USA
The code of ethics in Islam is Divine, which is either directly
mentioned in the Quran or inspired and practiced by the prophet Muhammad. The Islamic code does not change and is for all times, i.e. it is time independent and humanly
attainable. The following ethical principles are in addition to and are inclusive of the Ten Commandments, which have not be abrogated by the Quran,
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your
neighbor’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
The followings constitute the rest of the Islamic code of ethics
Be kind, considerate and obedient
to parents. (Holy Quran 2:83, 2:215, 4:36, 6:151, 17:23-24, 29:8, 31:14-15, 46:15)
Take care of your kinsfolk,
family and relatives. (Holy Quran 2:83, 2:177, 2:215, 4:8, 4:36, 16:90, 17:26, 24:22, 30:38, 59:7, 66:6)
Take care for the orphans and
help them build their assets. (Holy Quran 2:83, 2:177, 2:215, 4:8, 4:36, 6:152, 17:34, 59:7, 76:8, 89:17, 90:15, 93:9 596, 107:2)
Be kind and helpful to the weak
and needy. (Holy Quran 2:83, 2:177, 2:215, 4:8, 4:36, 9:60, 17:26, 24:22, 30:38, 59:7, 69:34, 70:24-25, 74:44, 76:8, 89:18, 90:16, 93:10 596, 107:3)
Be good to your neighbors. (Holy
Quran 4:36)
Be kind and helpful to the
wayfarer. (Holy Quran 2:177, 2:215, 4:36, 9:60, 17:26, 30:38, 59:7)
Be kind and helpful to prisoners
of war. (Holy Quran 76:8)
Be good and kind to others. (Holy
Quran 2:82, 16:90, 16:128, 28:77, 95:6, 103:3)
Respect teachers. (Holy Quran
39:9, 58:11)
Maintain a pleasant relationship
with your spouse. (Holy Quran 4:19, 30:21)
Be patient and constant with
whatever happens to you. (Holy Quran 2:45, 2:153, 2:155-156, 2:177, 3:200, 8:46, 11:115, 29:59, 31:17, 70:5, 103:3)
Be truthful even if a near
relative is concerned. (Holy Quran 4:135, 6:152, 103:3)
Do not conceal the truth. (Holy
Quran 2:42)
Do not lie. (Holy Quran 22:30,
39:32, 45:7)
Do not give false evidence. (Holy
Quran 22:30, 25:72, 70:33)
Maintain justice, even if against
yourself or a relative. (Holy Quran 4:58, 4:135, 5:8, 6:151, 11:85, 11:113, 16:90, 26:182, 55:9)
Be honest, trustworthy and just
in dealing with others. (Holy Quran 6:152, 11:85, 17:34, 26:181-183, 55:9)
Return what you borrow and
protect what you are entrusted with including secrets. (Holy Quran 3:75-76, 4:58, 8:27, 23:8, 70:32)
Fulfill your covenants (promises
and contracts). (Holy Quran 2:177, 3:76-77, 5:1, 16:91, 17:34, 23:8, 70:32)
Refrain from cheating. (Holy
Quran 2:188, 4:29, 11:85, 26:183, 55:9, 83:1-3)
Do not steal. (Holy Quran 5:38)
Do not give or take bribery.
(Holy Quran 2:188)
Be humble, modest and not
arrogant; do not boast. (Holy Quran 4:36, 17:37, 28:83, 31:18-19, 57:23)
Do not slander and defame. (Holy
Quran 104:1)
Abstain from mockery, ridiculing
others and calling them names. (Holy Quran 49:11)
Do not backbite or talk about
people behind their backs. (Holy Quran 49:12, 104:1)
Avoid suspicion. (Holy Quran
Do not spy on others. (Holy Quran
Abstain from hypocrisy; be
genuine with yourself and in dealing with others. (Holy
Quran 2:204, 2:284, 3:29, 3:119, 5:7, 9:73, 27:25, 27:74, 28:69, 29:10, 40:19, 61:2-3, 64:4, 67:13)
Practice what you preach. (Holy
Quran 2:44, 61:2-3)
Shun jealousy. (Holy Quran 4:32,
4:54, 113:5)
Be content and thankful with what
you have. (Holy Quran 2:152, 2:172, 14:7, 16:114, 93:11)
Avoid greed and hoarding. (Holy
Quran 89:19-20, 102:1, 104:2-3)
Control your anger. (Holy Quran
Do not curse or blaspheme. (Holy
Quran 49:11)
Do not raise your voice. (Holy
Quran 31:19)
Avoid useless talk and chatter.
(Holy Quran 23:3, 25:72)
Be congenial and kind in your
speech. (Holy Quran 2:83, 2:263, 16:125, 17:53)
Greet pleasantly and return
salutations with better or equal ones. (Holy Quran 4:86, 6:54, 24:61)
Forgive and reconcile. (Holy
Quran 3:134, 7:199, 15:85, 23:96, 24:22, 41:34, 42:37, 42:40, 42:43, 64:14)
Do not instigate tumult and
disorder. (Holy Quran 2:191, 2:217)
Avoid aggression and incline
towards peace. (Holy Quran 2:190, 5:87, 7:55, 8:61,
Foster brotherhood and unity with
other Muslims. (Holy Quran 3:103, 21:92, 23:52, 49:10, 49:13)
Conduct public affairs by mutual
consultation. (Holy Quran 3:159, 42:38)
Eschew racism and bigotry; treat
all races equally. (Holy Quran 2:179, 5:48, 7:189, 39:6, 49:11, 49:13)
Keep good relations with people
of the book (Christians and Jews). (Holy Quran 2:62, 2:136, 2:285, 3:64, 3:113-115, 3:199, 5:69, 29:46)
Keep good relations with people
of other faiths; there is no compulsion in religion. (Holy Quran 2:256, 4:94, 4:164, 6:108, 10:47, 10:99, 11:118, 14:4, 16:36, 16:125, 22:67, 40:78, 42:15, 60:7-8, 109:6)
Be kind to and improve the
environment. (Holy Quran 7:56, 29:36)
Be kind to animals. (Holy Koran
6:38, 24:41-42)
Be charitable and giving. (Holy
Quran 2:3, 2:195, 2:245, 2:254, 2:261, 2:272-274, 3:92, 3:134, 8:3, 57:7, 57:10-11, 64:16, 92:5-7, 92:18)
Be discrete and kind and do not
seek worldly rewards for charity and good deeds. (Holy Quran 2:262-264, 2:271, 2:273, 76:8-10)
Be moderate in your generosity.
(Holy Quran 17:29, 25:67)
Do not be niggardly and miserly.
(Holy Quran 3:180, 17:29, 25:67, 47:38, 57:24, 64:16, 92:8-10)
Avoid extravagance and
wastefulness. (Holy Quran 6:141, 7:31, 17:26-27, 17:29, 25:67)
Be moderate in your actions and
avoid extremes. (Holy Quran 2:143)
Enjoin and encourage good deeds.
(Holy Quran 3:104, 3:110, 5:2, 9:71, 22:41, 31:17)
Discourage bad deeds. (Holy Quran
3:104, 3:110, 9:71, 22:41, 31:17)
Compete in and hasten to good
deeds and do not delay them. (Holy Quran 2:148,
5:48, 23:61, 57:21, 83:26)
Do not kill. (Holy Quran 4:92-93,
5:32, 6:151, 17:33, 25:68)
Save lives. (Holy Quran 5:32)
Do not harm or kill yourself.
(Holy Quran 2:195, 4:29)
Stay clean in body and spirit.
(Holy Quran 2:222, 74:4-5)
Practice chastity and purity.
(Holy Quran 23:5, 24:30-31, 24:60, 33:33, 33:35, 33:53, 70:29)
Lower your gaze. (Holy Quran
Be modest in your dress. (Holy
Quran 7:26, 24:30-31, 24:60, 33:33, 33:53, 33:59)
Do not engage in sexual acts
outside of marriage. (Holy Quran 17:32, 24:2, 25:68)
Avoid homosexual acts. (Holy
Quran 5:90, 7:80-81, 27:54-55)
Avoid fortune telling. (Holy
Quran 5:90)
Do not drink alcohol. (Holy Quran
2:219, 4:43, 5:90-91)
Do not take drugs or other
intoxicants. (Holy Quran 2:195)
Do not gamble. (Holy Quran 2:219,
Refrain from usury. (Holy Quran
2:275-278, 3:130).
Seek and respect knowledge and
wisdom. (Holy Quran 12:76, 17:36, 20:114, 35:28, 39:9, 58:11)
Do not argue about what you have
no knowledge of and verify news before conversing. (Holy Quran 17:36, 49:6)
Accept responsibility for your
actions. (Holy Quran 6:164, 13:11, 17:15, 35:18,
39:7, 41:46, 53:38-41)
Choose good friends. (Holy Quran
Work and earn a living. (Holy
Quran 2:168, 16:92, 28.77, 62:10)
Be prompt and punctual. (Prophet
Muhammad’s sayings and actions.)
Wish others as you wish for
yourself. (Prophet Muhammad’s sayings and actions.)
Love, teach and befriend
children. (Prophet Muhammad’s sayings and actions.)
Be kind and helpful to the
elderly. (Prophet Muhammad’s sayings and actions.)
Love your brother (human) as you
like to be loved. (Prophet Muhammad’s sayings and actions.)
Lend a helping hand at home. (Prophet
Muhammad’s tradition.)
Complete your work with
competence. (Prophet Muhammad’s tradition.)
It is clear that what we discern from the above discourse about Islam
is that it is a religion which teaches its followers virtue, righteousness and awareness to address the spiritual and physical needs of the individual and the society with the
right balance and without extremes. Islam's name is peace. It sets the mind of its followers at peace. Islam shuns extremism. In fact, Islam admonishes its followers to be
people of the middle. In a nutshell, Islam is a set of beliefs and practices that are readily applicable and available to all individuals without the need for an intermediary.
All it takes is the ability to read and understand the Quran and Sunnah and apply them to one’s daily life.
Islam answers the ever-challenging questions as to why we are created, for what purpose, and what we can do
to be successful. The Muslim's spirit, soul and body demands are satisfied as soon as the Muslim realizes that these demands are all in balance and each is given its due. This
is to be expected, for they are all part of God's creation where everything serves a purpose and is in perfect balance.
Thus God has graciously defined for us the good and the bad, the
virtuous and the evil acts. They are presented to us for our own benefit as well as for the benefit of society and the World at large. It is up to us to take the challenge,
which is not beyond the realm of the possible. The reward awaiting us is tremendous.
The lasting impression that peaceful Islam would leave with the fair minded, if we are to summarize, is that
after believing in God, the one and only, it is with our actions, to improve ourselves and the society as well as the world which we live in, that we will be finally judged.