(a.s.): |
Alaihi Al Salaam (usually said for
Ahlul Bayt) |
(pbuh): |
Peace be upon him (said for Prophet
Muhammad) |
(r): |
Radhia Allaahu unhu (said for Al Khulafaa Al Rashidoon) |
(swt): |
Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala (said for Allah) |
A'isha: |
Wife of the Prophet (pbuh) |
Aal: |
Progeny of |
Abdullah Ibn Sarrah: |
Leader of Muslims in Catharage, Tunisia, relative of
Uthman |
Bakr: |
The first Khalifa |
Ubaida ibn Jarrah: |
Commander-in-Chief in Syria after Khalid ibnil
Waleed |
Sufyan: |
Father of Mu'awiya, was enemy of Islam, then became Muslim when Mecca
was in the hands of the Muslims, was one of Tulaqaa' |
Governor of Kufa dismissed by Ali, then during Siffin Battle
Ali was forced to accept him to arbitrate as his representative |
Ayn al
Tamr: |
One of the Persian towns conquered by Khalid ibnil Waleed |
Ajnadain: |
A major battle in which the Muslims were
victorious |
Al‑Hasan: |
The son of Imam Ali, grandson of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) |
Al‑Husain: |
The son of Imam Ali, grandson of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) |
Al‑Muthanna: |
A military leader famous for the Battle of
the Bridge (Persian Territory) |
A term scornfully used for those who became
Muslims when Mecca
was triumphed over, (examples were Abu Sufyan and his son Mu'awiya) |
Alexandria: |
Famous port in Egypt, seat of learning,
resisted the siege by Muslims for 14 months |
Ali: |
The fourth Khalifa, ardent supporter and defender of Islam, cousin
of the Prophet and his son-in-law, a towering personality |
ibn Yasir: |
A highly respected Sahaabi (Companion) who
was killed in Siffin Battle; the Prophet predicted that the malicious people would kill him
(Mu'awiya's supporters) |
ibnil Aas: |
A tricky person who suggested to Mu'awiya to raise the
Qurans on tips of spears; also tricked Ash'ari in the arbitration. For that
Mu'awiya rewarded him by appointing him Governor of Egypt |
Anbaar: |
One of the towns in south west of Persian
Empire that Khalid conquered
Ibn Qais: |
A General in Ali's army at Siffin who betrayed him and became
a secret agent for Mu'awiya. He was instrumental in stopping the fighting in
Siffin. |
Bahman: |
A military Persian leader killed in battle
with the Muslims |
Baraz: |
A military Persian leader killed in battle
with the Muslims |
Basrah: |
A town in south of Iraq that suffered
during the Jamal Confrontation |
Battle of the chain: |
An early battle between the Muslims and
Persian Empire; the Muslims won |
Umayya: |
A worldly oriented clan who had negative influence on the Muslim Ummah;
(Uthman was from them but he was the exception, he was very good) |
Berber: |
Wild tribes known for being ferocious
fighters, used by the Byzantines (Romans) in Catharage |
Busrah: |
A town
conquered by Khalid on his way to Yarmuk Valley |
Byzantines: |
A superpower of the old world which had
many military confrontations with the Muslims |
Catharage: |
A town of a major battle between Muslims
and Byzantines under Gregorius |
Chaldaea: |
Province in south west Persia |
Companions: |
Companions of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Constantine: |
New Emperor of the Byzantines |
Cypress: |
An island in the Mediterranean Sea
which the Muslims made a naval base |
al Jundal: |
A town which Khalid conquered as he helped Ibn Ghanim |
Fatima: |
The beloved daughter of Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) and the wife of Imam Ali, the mother of Al‑Hasan and Al-Husain; died six months after the Prophet's
death |
Feruz: |
A non-Muslim who killed Khalifa Omar |
Khum: |
The place in which the Prophet (pbuh)
recommended Ali to succeed him |
Gregorius: |
A Byzantine General who lost in Catharage Battle |
Ibn Muslim: |
A Muslim leader who averted fighting in
rebelling Armenia by killing its leader |
Hafsa: |
Daughter of Khalifa Omar and wife of the
Prophet (pbuh) |
Hamza: |
Uncle of the Prophet (pbuh) who was killed
in Ohod Battle |
Heera: |
Town in south western
Persia conquered by Khalid ibnil Waleed |
Heracleus: |
An Emperor of the Byzantines |
Hijrah: |
Islamic Calendar, starting from the date in which the Prophet (pbuh) left
Mecca to adopt Medina
as his hometown. |
Hormuz: |
A military leader of the Persians whom Khalid
killed at Hafr
Hufair: |
The area conquered by Khalid in which the battle between Hormuz
and Khalid took place |
Ibn: |
The son of |
Ibn Abbas: |
A highly respected authority in Islam, a student of Ali and his
ardent supporter |
Ibn Ghanim: |
A Muslims military leader whom Khalid helped |
Ibn Muljim: |
The killer of Imam Ali, a Khariji who poisoned his
sword for the purpose |
Ikrama: |
A person who swore to fight unto death at the Yarmuk Battle |
Jahiliya: |
Times of ignorance (before Islam) |
Jamal Battle: |
A battle between the renouncers and Imam Ali near Basrah |
Jehan: |
A Persian military leader who was killed
in battle |
Julowlaa': |
A place for famous military operation
between the Muslims and the
Persian Empire |
Khalid Ibnil Waleed: |
A military genius of the time, who was
successful in all operations then turned against him; was removed by Khalifa
Omar after Yarmuk Battle |
Khalifa: |
The successor to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh);
to rule the Muslim nation. |
Kharijis: |
A break away group from Ali's side who
forced Ali into arbitration; played havoc in the region and some of them
fought Ali at Nahrawan |
Khilaafah: |
The reign of a Khalifa. |
Khulafaa: |
Plural of the word Khalifa in Arabic, i.e.,
meaning Khalifas |
Khusrau II: |
A Persian Emperor who mistreated Prophet
Muhammad's envoy |
Kufa: |
A town in southern
Iraq which became the capital of the Islamic state at Ali's time |
Lion of God: |
A term used by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to
describe Ali |
Marwan: |
A conniving person who caused great
trouble in giving Uthman bad advice |
Masjid of the Rock: |
The mosque built by Omar in Jerusalem |
Mathaar: |
A town in which the Persians lost the
battle and a good many battleships |
Mecca: |
The holy city of Islam,
in Arabia, witnessing so
much religious history.
A town north of Mecca, the center of feverish activity during the life of the
Prophet (pbuh) and the Authentic Khalifas.
Mu'awiya: |
A ambitious Governor of Syria who defied
Ali and fought him at Siffin to the detriment of the Muslim Ummah |
Mu'ta: |
A place of military operation between
Muslims and the Byzantines, in which Muslims were about to be annihilated |
Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr: |
The son of Abu Bakr, was on Ali's
side during the Jamal Battle |
Musailema: |
The chief imposter who fought the Muslims
after the Prophet (pbuh) |
Muthanna: |
Hero of the
Battle of the Bridge |
Nahawand: |
A military engagement between the Muslims
and the
Persian Empire |
Nahjul Balaaghah: |
The famous book containing collections of
Imam Ali's speeches and orations, along with his sayings |
Nahrawan: |
The place where Ali pacified the Kharijis |
Naila: |
Wife of Uthman whose two fingers were severed when Uthman was
killed |
Namariq: |
Battle between Muslims under Thaqafi and the Persians under Jehan in which
Jehan lost his life |
Omar: |
The second great authentic Khalifa |
Persian Empire: |
Superpower of the old
world at the time of Al-Khulafaa Al-Rashidoon |
Qadisiya: |
The decisive battle that opened the way to
Persia for the Muslims |
Romans: |
Byzantines, superpower of the old world at
the time of Al-Khulafaa Al-Rashidoon |
Rustam: |
Commander-in-Chief of the Persian forces who was killed at Qadisiya Battle |
Sa'ad Ibn Abi‑Waqqas:
Muslim leader at Qadisiya Battle |
Sahaaba: |
The Companions of the Prophet (pbuh),
plural of Sahaabi |
Shoora: |
The process of election recommended in the
Quran |
Shurah'beel ibn Hasna: |
One of the leaders dispatched to
Syria by Abu Bakr |
Siffin: |
The fateful battle between Imam Ali and
the forces of Mu'awiya
Sunnah: |
Tradition of the Prophet (pbuh) |
Syria: |
The country that constitutes "Syria,
Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon"
at the present time |
Talha: |
A Companion who gave allegiance to Ali
then reversed himself (Renouncer) |
Taurus Mountains: |
The rugged mountains in
Anatolia, (Turkey today) |
Thaqafi: |
A Muslim military leader who lost his life
by being tramped upon by the elephant |
Thul‑Noorain: |
Uthman, because he was twice married to the Prophet's
daughters |
Tripoli: |
Muslims reached this area
as they advanced in North Africa |
A term scornfully used for those who
became Muslims when
Mecca was triumphed over, (examples were Abu Sufyan and his son Mu'awiya) |
Tunisia: |
Muslims reached this area as they advanced
in North Africa |
U'sama: |
A 20 year old Muslim leader who did well
against the Byzantines (Romans) |
Ummah: |
Muslim society |
Uthman: |
Third Khalifa, best contribution of which was having the Quran
put in writing and distributed to Provinces |
Wahshi: |
The one who killed Musailema |
Yamamah: |
Battle in which Khalid ibnil Waleed triumphed over Musailema the Liar |
Yarmuk: |
The decisive battle between the Muslims
under Khalid who was victorious and the Byzantines |
Yazdajird: |
Persian Emperor |
Yazid ibn Abu Sufyan: |
Son of Abu Sufyan who was appointed Governor
of Syria, who died soon, was replaced by his brother Mu'awiya |
Zaid Ibn Thabit: |
Famous scribe of the Holy Quran and the
one who later wrote it |
Zoroastrianism: |
Religion that glorifies light, was
practiced in
Persia (Duality of the Deities) |
Zubair: |
A Companion who renounced his allegiance
to Ali, wanted to fight him, then changed his mind and did not participate
in Jamal Confrontation |