Islamic Brotherhood
One lovely
Saturday morning, MuhammadAli and his father went for a walk. As they walked MuhammadAli brought up a question that had come to mind after their last talk. "If people
carried out their Islamic responsibilities, there would be brotherhood, would not they?"
"That is a very
wise conclusion," Abdul-Rahman praised his son. "Wouldn't it be wonderful to see Muslims helping each other and cooperating in peace and harmony? Muslims are
encouraged toward brotherhood. They are urged to work toward an Islamic community which applies Islam in its true meaning. In so doing Islamic brotherhood becomes an
essential element for such a goal."
"So," MuhammadAli
said, "Islam urges us to develop a community of Islamic brotherhood."
"Yes," answered
his father pleased, "Islamic brotherhood means meaningful cooperation among Muslims and harmony with an aim to encourage what is good and discourage what is evil. Let
us refer to the Holy Quran. Let us see what Allah Almighty says:
إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ
إِخْوَةٌ فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَ أَخَوَيْكُمْ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ
The Believers Are Like
Brothers To One Another; So, Promote Peace And Reconciliation Among Them,
And Fear Allah, That You
May Receive Mercy.
49: Ayah 10)
"In the following
Ayah" said Abdul-Rahman, "the Holy Quran regards the wrongdoers, insincere Muslims, as patronizing each other in acts of mischief and evil. Yet it praises the
righteous that Allah Almighty is their patron, that He is the one in charge of them:
وإِنَّ الظَّالِمِينَ
بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَاء بَعْضٍ وَاللَّهُ وَلِيُّ الْمُتَّقِينَ
هَذَا بَصَائِرُ لِلنَّاسِ
وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّقَوْمِ يُوقِنُونَ
The Wrongdoers Are
Patrons To Each Other; But The Righteous Have Allah For Their Patron.
These Are Clear
Proofs To Men And A Guidance
And Mercy For
Those Who Believe. (Surah
45: Ayah 19-20)
The spirit of
brotherhood is noble. We are charged to promote it. Brotherhood leads to an immense improvement in our community and the society at large.
Let us refer to
some Hadiths of Allah's Messenger, Muhammad (pbuh):
لا يُؤمِنُ أحدُكُم حتى
يُحِب لأَخِيهِ ما يُحبُُّ لِنَفسـه
He Has Weak Faith Until
That Person
Loves For His Brother
What He Loves For Himself.
See how Prophet
Muhammad implores us not to be selfish, and instead, to have a spirit of love and giving! Another Hadith says:
إنَّ المؤمِنَ للمُؤمنِ
كَالبُـنيان يشـِدُّ بَعْضُه بَعضـا
Truly The Faithful Are To
One Another Like Components Of A Building—Each Part Supports The Other.
Muslim And Bukhari
Again, our Prophet
directs us to cooperate, support, and help each other. We are to do so to the fullest extent so that we build a strong and wholesome society. Each of us is a tiny
part of a huge society and if strives to live Islamicly, the society will reach a high level of excellence, justice, and brotherhood. Let us examine these Hadiths of
Muhammad (pbuh):
المؤمنون كرجلٍ واحد إن
إشـتكى عيـنهُ إشـتكى كُلُّه
وإن إشـتكى رأسُهُ إشـتكى
The Faithful Are Like A
Single Body: If His Eye Suffers, Then His Constitution Will Suffer; And If He Has A Headache, Then His Whole System Will Suffer.
مثَلُ المؤمنينَ في
توادِّهم وتراحمهم وتعاطفهم كمثَلِ الجَسـدِ الواحد
إذا اشتكى منهُ عضْوٌ
تداعى لهُ سائِر الجَسَدِ بالسَّر والحُمّى
The Similitude Of The
Believers In Their Compassion, Mercy, And Affection Toward Each Other Is Like A Single Body. When One Organ Ails, The Whole Body Suffers And Reacts.
Other Hadiths of the
Prophet (pbuh) and/or sayings of the Imams are given here:
The Faithful Is Like A Brother To A Fellow Faithful: He Is Like His Seeing Eye And Guide. He Will Not Double-Cross, Wrong, Or Deceive Him, Nor Will He Fail To Fulfill
His Promises To Him. (Imam Ja'far Al-Saadiq, book of
Al-Usool from Al-Kaafi, Vol. 2, Page 166.)
A Muslim Is Like A Brother To A Muslim: He Will Not
Violate, Deceive, Thwart, Back-Bite, Or Defraud His Brother. (Imam
Ja'far Al-Saadiq, book of Al-Usool from Al-Kaafi, Vol. 2, Page 167.)
The Prophet (Pbuh) Said: The One Who Has Humiliated A
Follower Of Mine Is As If He Intends To Declare War On Me. (Imam
Ja'far Al-Saadiq quoting the Prophet (pbuh), book of Al-Usool from Al-Kaafi, Vol. 2, Page 351)
Call Upon Each Other, And Be Kind, Cordial, And Gracious To
Each Other. Be Congenial In Your Brotherhood Just As The Almighty Has Commanded You. (Imam
Ja'far Al-Saadiq, book of Al-Usool from Al-Kaafi, Vol. 2, Page 175.)
The Closest To Disbelief A Person Can Be Is When He Conceals
The Error Of His Brother In Faith Intending To Dishonor Him And Use It Against Him. (Imam
Ja'far Al-Saadiq, book of Al-Usool from Al-Kaafi, Vol. 2, Page 355.)
The Hadiths mean
if one component of society suffers, then the whole society will suffer. Therefore, it is essential for a wholesome society to correct the sufferings of its
components. Problems should be addressed and corrected.
On a smaller
scale, if two Muslims have a quarrel or a misunderstanding, it is the duty of other Muslims to try to resolve their differences and to bring about a feeling of
brotherhood. Making peace among people and a prevailing sense of brotherhood is admirable, something to strive for."
"Islam teaches us
a lot, it tells us many things," MuhammadAli commented.
answered briefly that Islam urges:
directs us toward brotherhood among ourselves
spirit of Muslim brotherhood is the basis for a good Muslim society
remove suffering will lead to a healthy, and wholesome society
removing enmity among Muslims by trying to reduce differences will help promote a feeling of brotherhood
friends among Muslims opens the way toward better understanding and building a better Muslim Community."

ABOUT Charity
"I feel that you
are doing me the biggest favor through the discussions we have. It is like a charity," said MuhammadAli to his father Abdul-Rahman.
It was with a
loving look that his father took the compliment, then asked, "Don't you feel good when you help a friend? If so, you have performed an act of charity. Naturally,
charity includes and extends beyond financial help. Monetary help, of course, is important, not only to the impoverished, but also to the ones facing unfortunate
circumstances. Remember, MuhammadAli, extending a helping hand in any form means doing a charitable work. Islam directs us toward works of charity. Let us refer to
the Holy Quran, the very Word of Allah (swt):
الَّذِينَ يُنفِقُونَ
أَمْوَالَهُم بِاللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ سِرًّا وَعَلاَنِيَةً فَلَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ وَلاَ خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ
Those Who In Charity
Spend Of Their Goods By Night And By Day, In Secret And In Public, Have Their Reward With Their Lord.
2: Ayah 274)
مَّن ذَا الَّذِي يُقْرِضُ
اللّهَ قَرْضًا حَسَنًا فَيُضَاعِفَهُ لَهُ أَضْعَافًا كَثِيرَةً وَاللّهُ يَقْبِضُ وَيَبْسُطُ وَإِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ
Who Will Grant Allah A
Loan? Then Allah Will Repay Him Many Times Over. It Is Allah Who Enriches And Makes Poor. To Him You Shall All Return. (Surah
2: Ayah 245)
إِن تُبْدُواْ
الصَّدَقَاتِ فَنِعِمَّا هِيَ وَإِن تُخْفُوهَا وَتُؤْتُوهَا الْفُقَرَاء فَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لُّكُمْ وَيُكَفِّرُ عَنكُم مِّن سَيِّئَاتِكُمْ وَاللّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِيرٌ
To Be Charitable In
Public Is Good, But To Give Alms In Private Is Better—It
Will Atone For Some Of
Your Sins. Allah Has Knowledge Of What You Do.
2: Ayah 271)
The Quran says our
charitable spending, be it in secret or in public, will be abundantly recognized by the Almighty, and well rewarded.
The society will
prosper if the capable extend assistance, be it material or otherwise. Help to the needy is a commendable act of charity. Every act of charity reaps its rewards while
also making you feel better inside. Let us now refer to some Hadiths. See what Muhammad (pbuh) said in this regard:
كًلُّ معروفٍ صَدَقَه
منَ المعروفِ أنْ تلقى أخاكَ بِوجهٍ طَلْقٍ
وأن تُفْرغْ من دلْوِك في
إناء أخيك
Verily Every Good Deed Is
Charity, And It Is A Good Deed If You Meet Your Brother (In Religion) With A Cheerful Look,
And It Is A Good Deed If
You Extend A Helping Hand To Him.
Mus'nad Ahmad
إماطة ألأذَى عن الطريق
And The Removal Of A
Harmful Item From The Street Is Charity.
ورجلٌ تَصدَّق بصدقَةٍ
فأخفاها حتى لا تَعلمَ شِمالُهُ ما تُنفقُ يَميـنَه
The Best Of Alms Is What
The Right Hand Gives, And The Left Hand Does Not Know Of It
... والكلمةُ الطيِّبةُ
صَدَقه، وبكلِّ خَطوةٍ تمشِيْها إلى الصلاةِ صَدَقه، وتُمـيطُ الأذى عن الطَّريقِ صَدَقه
... And The Kind Word Is
Charity, And In Every Step You Take For Salat Is Charity,
And To Remove A Harmful Item From The Street Is Charity.
Abu Hurairah
أفضَلُ الصَدَقهِ، أن
تَصدَّق وأنت صَحيحٌ شَحيحٌ تَأمَلُ الغِنَىْ وتخشى الفَقْر
The Good Charity Is To
Give Of Your Wealth When You Are A Miser And You Hope To Be Rich And Are Afraid Of Poverty.
Other Hadiths of the
Prophet (pbuh) and/or sayings of the Imams are given here:
Charity Is A Duty Upon Every Muslim. If He Does Not Have
The Means, Let Him Then Do A Good Act Or Abstain From A Bad One, And That Is His Charity.
Your Smiling In Your Brother's Face Is Charity;
Your Exhorting Mankind To Virtuous Deeds Is Charity;
Your Prohibiting The Forbidden Is Charity;
Your Showing Men The Road When They Have Lost Their Way,
Is Charity;
And Your Assisting The Blind, Is Charity.
Prayers Lighten The Heart, And Charity Is A Proof Of Iman.
Call Mankind Toward Goodness Not Just By Words But By Your
Deeds, Truthfulness, And Virtue. (Imam Ja'far Al-Saadiq,
book of Al-Usool from Al-Kaafi, Vol. 2, Page 105.)
The Charity Of Knowledge Is That You Instruct And Tutor
Allah's Servants. (Imam Muhammad Al-Baaqir.)
"These are
wonderful Hadiths!" interrupted MuhammadAli.
"Yes," replied
Abdul Rahman, "Let me ask some interesting questions: Are you a sincere Muslim? Are you of a kindhearted and charitable disposition? If so, then show it by extending
a helping hand. Allah Almighty has given you a lot and it is important that you share your wealth. If you give to the needy then you have assisted a fellow man. You
have put your Islamic spirit into practice and good use."
"Helping others
can be in many forms," continued Abdul-Rahman, "even a cheerful attitude, a kind gesture, or a considerate word. Giving charity is a necessary part of every day
life." MuhammadAli intently listened as his father carried on.
charity is not done to show-off or to boast. It is done out of a religious obligation, for Allah's sake and for the sake of humanity."
"So what you are
telling me is that Islam tells us a lot about charity," said MuhammadAli.
answered briefly:
charity is a moral and religious obligation
can be exercised in giving money to the needy
can also be given in extending good deeds to others and offering aid
must not be given to show off or brag about
will reward abundantly for our acts of charity."
"Dad," said
MuhammadAli, "I am told that Islam calls for moderation all the time."
"Yes," his father
answered, "Moderation is the name of the game in Islam. We are directed to follow the middle road without going to either extreme. To go to one extreme is just as bad
as going to the other. This golden rule applies to just about every facet of life, from spending money, to utilizing time, to dealing with numerous situations. Islam
urges us toward moderation. Once more, let us refer to the Holiest of the Books, the Quran:
وَلاَ تَجْعَلْ يَدَكَ
مَغْلُولَةً إِلَى عُنُقِكَ وَلاَ تَبْسُطْهَا كُلَّ الْبَسْطِ فَتَقْعُدَ مَلُومًا مَّحْسُورًا
... And Do Not Make Your
Hand Tied To Your Neck Like a Miser Nor Stretch It Forth To Its Utmost Reach, So You Become Blameworthy, Destitute.
17: Ayah 29)
إِنَّ الْمُبَذِّرِينَ
كَانُواْ إِخْوَانَ الشَّيَاطِينِ وَكَانَ الشَّيْطَانُ لِرَبِّهِ كَفُورًا
Truly, The Extravagant
Are Brothers Of The Evil Ones;
And The Evil One Is To
His Lord Ungrateful.
17: Ayah 27)
وَالَّذِينَ إِذَا
أَنفَقُوا لَمْ يُسْرِفُوا وَلَمْ يَقْتُرُوا وَكَانَ بَيْنَ ذَلِكَ قَوَامًا
...Those Who, When They
Spend, Are Not Extravagant Nor Are They Stingy,
But They Hold A Just
Balance Between The Extremes.
25: Ayah 67)
Let us quote some
Hadiths too. Rasool Allah, or God's Messenger, Muhammad (pbuh) said:
هَلَكَ المُتَنَطِّعُون،
هَلَكَ المُتَنَطِّعُون، هَلَكَ المُتَنَطِّعُون،
They Are Losers, Those
Who Make Religion Strenuous. They Imperil Themselves Who Enforce Tough Practices Of Islam. They
Destroy Themselves Who Are Extreme
إنَّ الدِّينَ يُسّرٌ،
ولَنْ يُشادَّ الدِّينَ أحَدٌ إلا غَلَبَه،
فَسدِّدوا وقارِبوا،
وأبْشِروا، واسْتَعينوا بالغُدْوةِ والرَّوحَةِ وشَئٍ منَ الدَّلْجَةِ
Islam Is Easy And The
Person Who Makes It Strenuous Is A Loser. Hence, Follow Islam With Moderation, Be Close To It, Give Glad Tidings, Follow It In The Morning, During The Day, And Part Of
The Night.
Other Hadiths of the
Prophet (pbuh) and/or sayings of the Imams are given here:
Spendthrift And Bad Conduct Do Not Gather In The Heart Of
The Faithful.
Do Not Be Too Hard, Lest You Will Be Broken; Do Not Be Too
Soft, Lest You Will Be Squeezed. (Imam Ali.)
The Worst Thing In A Man Is The Severe Spendthrift And The
Marked Cowardice.
It is said too:
خيرُ الأُمور أوْسطها
The Best Of Dealings Are
The Ones Done In Moderation.
"As you can see,
MuhammadAli," Abdul-Rahman continued, "Muslims are discouraged from living or dealing in extremes, be it tight with spending or overspending. Muslims are prompted to
take the middle of the road. Thus, we will not be hard on ourselves either way. Muslims must neither deny themselves opportunities, nor be too loose as to endanger
their welfare. When we are moderate in all walks of life, we have a better balance in life, a better overall livelihood. This way we will have peace of mind."
"So what you are
telling me is that Islam recommends living and dealing in moderation," MuhammadAli said.
answered briefly:
That it
is good to be modest in spending or in any aspect of life
That a
Muslim should avoid being extravagant, except in the cause of Allah and Islam
That a
Muslim is to avoid being miserly, since it makes life miserable for all
money, as everything else in this world, ultimately belongs to Allah Almighty. Therefore, spending money wisely and in Allah's cause will be the correct thing to do
and Allah will reward the act abundantly.

ABOUT Learning and Education
MuhammadAli was
reflecting upon what his father had told him. He had been learning so many quotations from the Holy Quran and Hadith. He was curious though, about the subject of
learning. "Dad," he said at the kitchen table one after-noon, "My store of Islamic knowledge has expanded so much, thanks to you. Tell me what does Islam say about
"Islam has
consistently urged us to be in quest of knowledge," started his father. He then handed his son a cookie and took one for himself and continued, "to seek knowledge,
learn, and investigate, is a high goal for every Muslim. Allah urges us to be in quest of knowledge, to improve our lot, and give us a good understanding of the
environment around us.
Even the very
first word revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was: "Read in the Name of Thy Lord," thus showing the degree of emphasis it put on pursuit of knowledge, learning and
education. See what the Holy Quran says:
قُلْ هَلْ يَسْتَوِي
الَّذِينَ يَعْلَمُونَ وَالَّذِينَ لا يَعْلَمُونَ إِنَّمَا يَتَذَكَّرُ أُوْلُوا الأَلْبَابِ
And Say: Can You Put On
Equal Footing Those Who Are Learned
With Those Who Are Not
39: Ayah 9)
يُؤتِي الْحِكْمَةَ مَن
يَشَاء وَمَن يُؤْتَ الْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِيَ خَيْرًا كَثِيراً وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلاَّ أُوْلُواْ الأَلْبَابِ
Allah Grants Wisdom To
Whom He Pleases; And The One To Whom Wisdom Is Granted Has Received Benefit Overflowing;
And None Will Grasp The
Message But Men Of Understanding.
2: Ayah 269)
continued, "with Muslims, a person with knowledge is looked upon with much respect, and put on a higher level than others who have neglected it. Let us quote some
طَلَبُ العِلْمِ فَريْضَةٌ
على كلِّ مسلمٍ ومسلمه
Seeking Of Knowledge Is
An Obligation Upon
Every Muslim, Be It
A Man Or A Woman
مَن خَرَجَ في طَلَبِ
العلْم فَهُوَ في سـبيل الله حتى يَرْجِع
The Person Who Goes Forth
In Search Of Knowledge Is Striving Hard In The Way Of God; Until He Returns.
فَضْلُ العاِلمِ على
العابدِ كفَضْلي على أدْناكم
The Superiority Of The
Learned Men Over A Worshipper By Rituals
Is Like My Superiority
Over The Best Of You.
Other Hadiths of the
Prophet (pbuh) and/or sayings of the Imams are given here:
Whomsoever Allah Wants To Do Good, He Gives Him Right Understanding In
Go In Quest Of Knowledge Whenever You Come Across It.
Seek Knowledge From The Cradle To The Grave.
An Hour's Contemplation Is Better Than A Year's
To Spend More Time In Learning Is Superior To Spending
Time In Praying. It Is Better To Impart Knowledge One Hour In The Night Than To Pray The Whole Night.
The One Who Deeply Knows His Self, Knows God.
Who Are The Learned? It Is They Who Practice What They
Acquire Knowledge: It Enables Its Possessor To
Distinguish Right From Wrong; It Lights The Way To Heaven; It Is Our Friend In The Desert, Our Society In Solitude, Our Compassion When Friendless.
Knowledge Guides Us To Happiness; Sustains Us In Hard
Times; It Is An Ornament Amongst Friends, And An Armor Against Enemies.
There Is No Wealth Greater Than The Power Of Reason, No
Poverty Like Ignorance And No Heritage Better Than Noble Manners.
Many Quote Knowledge And Few Note It In Mind. (Imam
The Most Complete Gift Of God Is Life Based On
Knowledge. (Imam Ali.)
The Innumerable Fools Have Made The Learned Very
Scarce. (Imam Ali.)
The Chief Aim Of Knowledge Is Virtue. (Imam
The Learned Men Are The Living Ones In The Dead Mass Of
Ignorance. (Imam Ali.)
The One Who Acquires Knowledge, Puts It Into Practice,
And Teaches It To Others For The Sake Of God, He Shall Be Summoned To A High Heavenly Station And Told: Thou Learnt For The Sake Of Allah, Acted For The Sake Of Allah
And Taught People For His Sake. (Imam Ja'far Al-Saadiq.)
continued Abdul-Rahman with emphasis, "these Hadiths show how Muhammad (pbuh) valued learning, science, and knowledge.
Knowledge opens
worlds for you; worlds of thinking, accomplishment, and new dimensions. Acquiring knowledge paves the way for a better future, and makes a better person out of you.
When knowledgeable, you will better understand other people and be able to help and assist them according to their needs. As you acquire more knowledge, understanding
of God's creation and nature becomes clearer and more focused. You will even understand Allah better, and appreciate Him enormously.
Islam asks us to
continue to learn throughout our lifetime—whenever and wherever knowledge can be found.
One form of
knowledge should be emphasize, it is the knowledge of Islam. The more Islamic details you learn, the more you will want to learn, yet again it should be balanced.
Knowledge plus application of Islam are our salvation, since they lead us along the straight path. Islam should be constantly pursued. We must apply it well, and most
importantly, we must teach it to others. This is what makes the complete Muslim out of us."
"Dad, Islam highly
recommends the pursuit of knowledge and propagating it, right!" MuhammadAli said with assertion.
answered briefly:
acquire knowledge wherever and whenever possible
continuously learn during our lifetime
learn about Islam essentially is a high goal for every Muslim
through knowledge, our understanding of God will be better
through knowledge we can be of greater help to others
the best thing man can do is learn about Islam, and put his knowledge into practice and then teach it to others. This is one of the noblest goals
the first revealed word of the Holy Quran was "Read" which is the foundation of knowledge.
Abdul-Rahman suddenly asked his son, "do you know of some of the finer points of etiquette Prophet Muhammad recommended?"
"Tell me, please,
tell me," answered MuhammadAli anxiously.
"Let us quote the
Holy Quran," his father answered:
فَإِذَا دَخَلْتُم
بُيُوتًا فَسَلِّمُوا عَلَى أَنفُسِكُمْ تَحِيَّةً مِّنْ عِندِ اللَّهِ مُبَارَكَةً طَيِّبَةً كَذَلِكَ يُبَيِّنُ اللَّهُ لَكُمُ الْآيَاتِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُون
...And If You Enter
Houses Salute Each Other—A Greeting Of Blessing And Purity From Allah. Thus Does Allah Make Clear Signs To You: That You May Understand.
24: Ayah 61)
…وَلا تُصَعِّرْ خَدَّكَ
لِلنَّاسِ وَلا تَمْشِ فِي الأرْضِ
إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا يُحِبُّ
كُلَّ مُخْتَالٍ فَخُورٍ
Be Not Scornful Of Men,
Nor Walk Proudly On Earth;
Allah Does Not Love
The Arrogant And The Vain.
31: Ayah 18)
ادْعُ إِلِى سَبِيلِ
رَبِّكَ بِالْحِكْمَةِ وَالْمَوْعِظَةِ الْحَسَنَةِ
وَجَادِلْهُم بِالَّتِي
هِيَ أَحْسَنُ…
Invite All To The Way Of
Your Lord With Wisdom
And Moral Preaching; And
Argue With Them
In Ways That Are Best And
16: Ayah 125)
"Some Hadiths I
quote may interest you," Abdul-Rahman continued, "The following are but a few:
يُسلِّمُ الصَّغيرُ على
الكَبِيرِ، والمارُّ على القاعِدِ، والقَليلُ على الكَثير
The Younger Person Ought
To Salute The Older, And The One Walking Ought To Salute The Sitting, And The Smaller Group Ought To Salute
The Larger.
ليسَ مِنَّا مَن لَم
يَرحمْ صَغيرَنا ولم يُوقِّرْ كَبيرَنا
He Is Not Quality Muslim
Who Does Not Show Kindness To The Young Ones And Respect To The Older Ones.
العائدُ في هِبَتِه
كالعائدِ في قَيْئِه
The Person Who Takes Back
His Gift, Is Like Someone
Swallows His Vomit.
حقُّ المُسلِمِ على
المُسلِمِ سِتٌ: قِيلَ ما هُنَّ يا رسول الله؟
قال: إذا لقَيْتَهُ فسلِّم
عليه، وإذا دعاكَ فأجِبْه، وإذا اسْتنْصَحكَ فانْصحْ لهُ،
وإذا عطَسَ وحمَدَ الله
فشَمِّتْهُ، وإذا مَرِضَ فعُدْهُ، وإذا مات فاتْبَعْه
The Rights Of A Muslim
Upon A Fellow Muslim Are Six:
When He Meets His Fellow
Muslim He Should Greet Him;
When Invited He Should
Accept The Invitation;
When Asked For Advice He
Should Give It;
When He Sneezes He Should
Respond By Invoking Allah's Mercy;
When He Becomes Sick He
Should Visit Him; And When He Dies He Should Follow His Funeral.
Other Hadiths of the
Prophet (pbuh) and/or sayings of the Imams are given here:
It Is The Sunnah That A Man Should Accompany His Guest
To The Door Of The House.
The Holy Prophet Never Spoke Ill Of A Meal; If He Liked
It He Ate It; And If He Did Not Like It He Left It Untouched. Abu Hurairah
When Two Believers Meet And Shake Hands, Allah Will
Place His Hand With Them, Favoring The One Who Loves His Brother The Most. (Imam
Muhammad Al-Baaqir, book of Al-Usool from Al-Kaafi, Vol. 2, Page 179.)
A Cheerful Countenance Will Favorably Replace The
Critical, Spiteful Manner (Imam Al-Kadhim quoting the
Prophet (pbuh), Book Al-Usool from Al-Kaafi, Vol. 2, Page 104.)
It Is Not Right For A Guest To Stay For So Long As To
Cause Inconvenience To His Host.
When Prophet Muhammad Used To Eat In Company Of Others
He Remained In Their Company Till All Finished Eating.
When You Meet Each Other Start With Greetings Of Peace
And Shake Hands, And When You Part, Do So With Entreating Allah's Forgiveness. (Imam
Muhammad Al-Baaqir, quoting the Prophet (pbuh), book of Al-Usool from Al-Kaafi, Vol. 2, Page 181.)
Verily, When The Believers Meet And Embrace Each Other
They Will Be Engulfed By Allah's Mercy. (Imam Ja'far
Al-Saadiq, book of Al-Usool from Al-Kaafi, Vol. 2, Page 184.)
These are fine
points that harmonize the behavior of ourselves and society. They are self-explanatory. You are old enough to understand. Strangely, though, many people ignore the
etiquette to their own detriment. When applied they add finesse and social grace to the person and people he deals with."
"I will certainly
apply them," answered MuhammadAli, "It is obvious they are for my own welfare."
"Your mother is
not feeling well, let's go help her," said his father.
"Ok Dad, let me be
with you, I'd love to help," said MuhammadAli.
"Thank you and may Allah
bless you," answered Abdul Rahman.