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(Peace be upon him), a term used after Muhammad's name is mentioned
(swt): (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala), a term used after Allah's name is mentioned
Ali: Imam Ali, the ardent supporter of Islam and trusted cousin of Muhammad (pbuh)
Allah: The Creator of the universe, (God)
Allah's Messenger: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Ethics: Code of behavior that Islam recommends or prohibits
Hadith: The binding sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Halal: Acceptable in Islam
Haram: What is prohibited by Islam
Hasanaat: Meritorious works that Allah rewards people for
Holy Quran: The Holy Book of Allah revealed to Muhammad (pbuh)
Mecca: The town in which Muhammad (pbuh) was born
Medina: The town to which Muhammad (pbuh) immigrated
Muhammad: The final Prophet chosen by Allah to guide humanity
Muttaqi: The perfectionist Muslim, a very high caliber Muslim
Sayi'aat: Bad or sinful acts that Islam warns mankind against
Shari'ah: Allah's law (directives) contained in the Holy Quran
Tahaarah: Purity from religious point of view
Thawaab: Reward by Allah to the person who has performed acts of merit
Wudu: Ritual washing before Salat (Prayer)

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