Then you leave
your hands down by the side of your body. (All Shi'a and the Sunni
Maaliki do not fold their arms during Salat. Three of the four Sunni schools of thought, the Hanafi, Shafi'i, and Hanbali fold their arms across their abdomen when
they pray.)
1. Read Surah Al-Fatiha
then another Surah as follows:
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ
In Allah's Name, Most Gracious, Most
Bismil Laah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the
Al-Hamdu Lil-Laahi Rabb Al-Aalameen |
الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ |
the Gracious, the Merciful;
Al-Rahman Al-Rahim |
الرَّحْمـنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Master of the Day of Judgment
Maaliki Yawm Al-Deen |
مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ |
Verily, You do we worship, and
Your help do we seek.
Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nasta'een
إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ |
Guide us along the straight
Ihdina Al-Siraatal Mustaqeem |
اهدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ |
the path of those upon whom You
have bestowed Your grace,
Siraatal Ladheena An'amta Alayhim |
صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِمْ |
with whom You are not angry, nor
who go astray.
Ghayril Magh'dhubi Alayhim Wa La Al-Dhaalleen
المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ |
2. You
may elect to say Surah Al-Kawthar after Surah Al-Fatiha:
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ
In Allah's Name, Most Gracious, Most
Bismil Laah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim
Verily We
have provided you with abundance,
Inna A'taynaka Al-Kawthar
إِنَّا أَعْطَيْنَاكَ الْكَوْثَرَ |
so, pray to
your Lord and sacrifice
Fa'salli Li Rabbika Wunhur. |
فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ |
Surely he
who defames you shall be condemned
Inna Sha-ni'aka Huwa Al-Abtar. |
إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ الأَبْتَرُ |
3. Having
finished the above, you say:
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
Then you bow in
such a way that the palms of your hands come to rest on the corresponding knee. This is called Rukoo'. You say three times:
be to my Lord most Great and His is the Praise
Subhaana Rabbiya Al-Adheemi wa
Bi-Hamdih |
سبحان ربِيَ العظـبمِ وبحَمْده |
4. Then
you stand up momentarily to say once:
has already heard the one who Praised Him
Sami'a Allaahu Li'man Hamidah |
سمع الله لمَنْ حَمِده |
said that, you say:
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
5. After
this, you do Sujood. This means you go to your knees and prostrate in such a way that you place the palms of your hands on the floor in front of you and place your
forehead on the floor in between your hands (on a clean natural spot). Your knees and the tips of your toes should also touch the floor.
During Sujood
you say three times:
be to my Lord the Most High and His is the Praise
Subhaana Rabbiya Al-A'la wa Bi-Hamdih |
سبحان ربِّيَ ألأعلى وبحَمْده |
6. You
sit up momentarily and place your hands on your thighs with your feet under you. Now you say:
Having said
that, you say:
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
I ask
Allah's forgiveness and I repent to Him
As'tagh'fur Allah Rabbi wa
Atoobu Ilayh |
أستغفـر الله ربي وأتوب إليه |
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
7. You
repeat the Sujood, saying the same phrase three times as done with every Sujood, that is:
be to my Lord the Most High and His is the Praise
Subhaana Rabbiya Al-A'la wa Bi-Hamdih |
سبحان ربِّيَ ألأعلى وبحَمْده |
Finally, rise to a standing position while saying:
Allah's Power and Majesty I stand up and sit down
Bi Hawli Llaahi wa Quwwatih
Aqoomu wa Aq'ud |
بحول الله وقُوَّتِه أقوم وأقعد |
The eight steps above constitute
the first Rak'a of each Salat. The second Rak'a of each Salat is the same as the first one with one difference. The difference is that you do not say Allaahu Akbar
before reading Surah Al-Fatiha.
III: The Second Rak'a

To say the second
Rak'a you do the following:
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ
In Allah's Name, Most Gracious, Most
Bismil Laah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the
Al-Hamdu Lil-Laahi Rabb Al-Aalameen |
الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ |
the Gracious, the Merciful;
Al-Rahman Al-Rahim |
الرَّحْمـنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Master of the Day of Judgment
Maaliki Yawm Al-Deen |
مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ |
Verily, You do we worship, and
Your help do we seek.
Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nasta'een
إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ |
Guide us along the straight
Ihdina Al-Siraatal Mustaqeem |
اهدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ |
the path of those upon whom You
have bestowed Your grace,
Siraatal Ladheena An'amta Alayhim |
صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِمْ |
with whom You are not angry, nor
who go astray.
Ghayril Magh'dhubi Alayhim Wa La Al-Dhaalleen
المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ |
2. You
follow the above by Surah Al-Ikhlaas:
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ
In Allah's Name, Most Gracious, Most
Bismil Laah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim
Say: He is Allah the One
Qul huwa Allaahu Ahad |
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ |
Allah who is essential to all
Allaahu Al-Samad |
اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ |
He begets not nor is He begotten
Lam Yalid wa Lam Yulad |
لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ |
And there is none equal to Him
Wa lam Yakun Lahu Ku'fowan Ahad. |
وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ |
Here you have the
option of saying Du'aa in Qunoot just before you do the Rukoo of the second Rak'a. To do so hold your hands open in front of you like an open book, with arms bent.
(This Du'aa
is from the Holy Quran and is read during Qunoot.) |
Our Lord Grant us Goodness in This Life
Rabbena Aatina fi Al-Dunya
Hasana |
آتِنا في الدُّنيا حَسَنه |
And in the Hereafter
wa fil Aakhirati Hasana |
الآخرة حسنه |
And Shield us from the Affliction of Doom's Day
wa Qi'na Athaaba N'naar |
عَدآبَ النّار |
In the Name of Muhammad and his Pure Descendants
Bi'jaahi Muhammadin wa Aalihil
At'haar |
محمدٍ وآله ألأطهار |
3. Before
bowing for Rukoo' you say one time:
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
4. During
Rukoo' you repeat three times:
be to my Lord most Great and His is the Praise
Subhaana Rabbiya Al-Adheemi wa
Bi-Hamdih |
سبحان ربِيَ العظـبمِ وبحَمْده |
5. As you
stand up you say once:
has already heard the one who Praised Him
Sami'a Allaahu Li'man Hamidah |
سمع الله لمَنْ حَمِده |
said that, you say:
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
6. After
this, you do Sujood. This means you go to your knees and prostrate in such a way that you place the palms of your hands on the floor in front of you and place your
forehead on the floor in between your hands (on a clean natural spot). Your knees and the tips of your toes should also touch the floor.
During Sujood
you say three times:
be to my Lord the Most High and His is the Praise
Subhaana Rabbiya Al-A'la wa Bi-Hamdih |
سبحان ربِّيَ ألأعلى وبحَمْده |
7. You
sit up momentarily and place your hands on your thighs with your feet under you. Now you say:
Having said
that, you say:
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
I ask
Allah's forgiveness and I repent to Him
As'tagh'fur Allah Rabbi wa
Atoobu Ilayh |
أستغفـر الله ربي وأتوب إليه |
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
You repeat the Sujood, saying the same phrase three times as done with every Sujood, that is:
be to my Lord the Most High and His is the Praise
Subhaana Rabbiya Al-A'la wa Bi-Hamdih |
سبحان ربِّيَ ألأعلى وبحَمْده |
Now that the second Rak'a is
finished, sit on your folded legs. You may either have your toes together, heels apart and sit on your feet or you may rest one foot on top of the other and sit on
While in this position, place your
palms on your thighs in a relaxed manner. While in the position of Juloos, you say Al-Tashah'hud followed by Al-Tasleem.
is said following any first two Rak'as. Also at the to conclude the Salat
2. The TASLEEM is
always said following the Tashah'hud to conclude the Salat.
IV: Al-Tashah'hud

Tashah'hud |
In Allah's Name and by His Power.
Bismil Allah Wa Billaah |
الله وبالله |
The Praise Belongs to Him
Wal Hamdu Lillaah
لله |
and the Best Names are His
Wa Khayrul Asmaa'i Lillaah |
الأسماء لله |
I Declare That There is no Deity Except Allah,
Ash'hadu Ann Laa Ilaaha Illa Allah |
أشهد أن
لا إله إلا الله |
He is One without a Partner
Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lahu |
وحده لا
شريك له |
And I Declare that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger
Wa Ash'hadu Anna Muhammadan
Abduhu Wa
Rasooluh |
أنَّ محمداً عبده ورسوله |
O Lord! Bless Muhammad
Allahumma Salli
Ala Muhammad Wa
Aali Muhammad |
صلِّ على محمدٍ |
and the Descendants of Muhammad |
وآلِ محمد |
you stand up for the third Rak'a, say:
Allah's Power and Majesty I stand up and sit down
Bi Hawli Llaahi wa Quwwatih
Aqoomu wa Aq'ud |
بحول الله وقُوَّتِه أقوم وأقعد |
V: The
Third Rak'a
1. To perform the third Rak'a you have the option of either saying the following three times or reciting Surah Al-Fatiha once:
During 3rd Rak'a |
1. |
Glory be to Allah
Subhaana Llaahi |
سبحان الله |
and His is all the praise
Wal Hamdu lil Laahi |
والحمد لله |
and there is no deity except Almighty Allah
Wa la Ilaaha Illa Laah |
ولا إله إلا الله |
and Allah is most Great
Wal ALaahu Akbar |
والله أكبر |
2. |
Glory be to Allah
Subhaana Llaahi |
سبحان الله |
and His is all the praise
Wal Hamdu lil Laahi |
والحمد لله |
and there is no deity except Almighty Allah
Wa la Ilaaha Illa Laah |
ولا إله إلا الله |
and Allah is most Great
Wal ALaahu Akbar |
والله أكبر |
3. |
Glory be to Allah
Subhaana Llaahi |
سبحان الله |
and His is all the praise
Wal Hamdu lil Laahi |
والحمد لله |
and there is no deity except Almighty Allah
Wa la Ilaaha Illa Laah |
ولا إله إلا الله |
and Allah is most Great
Wal ALaahu Akbar |
والله أكبر |
finished the above, you say:
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
2 Then you bow in
such a way that the palms of your hands come to rest on the corresponding knee. This is called Rukoo'. You say three times:
be to my Lord most Great and His is the Praise
Subhaana Rabbiya Al-Adheemi wa
Bi-Hamdih |
سبحان ربِيَ العظـبمِ وبحَمْده |
Then you stand up momentarily to say once:
has already heard the one who Praised Him
Sami'a Allaahu Li'man Hamidah |
سمع الله لمَنْ حَمِده |
said that, you say:
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
After this, you do Sujood. This means you go to your knees and prostrate in such a way that you place the palms of your hands on the floor in front of you and place
your forehead on the floor in between your hands (on a clean natural spot). Your knees and the tips of your toes should also touch the floor.
During Sujood
you say three times:
be to my Lord the Most High and His is the Praise
Subhaana Rabbiya Al-A'la wa Bi-Hamdih |
سبحان ربِّيَ ألأعلى وبحَمْده |
5. You sit up momentarily and place your hands on your thighs with your feet under you. Now you say:
Having said
that, you say:
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
I ask
Allah's forgiveness and I repent to Him
As'tagh'fur Allah Rabbi wa
Atoobu Ilayh |
أستغفـر الله ربي وأتوب إليه |
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
You repeat the Sujood, saying the same phrase three times as done with every Sujood, that is:
be to my Lord the Most High and His is the Praise
Subhaana Rabbiya Al-A'la wa Bi-Hamdih |
سبحان ربِّيَ ألأعلى وبحَمْده |
The Fourth

1. To perform the Fourth Rak'a you have the option of either saying the following three times or reciting Surah
Al-Fatiha once:
During 4th Rak'a |
1. |
Glory be to Allah
Subhaana Llaahi |
سبحان الله |
and His is all the praise
Wal Hamdu lil Laahi |
والحمد لله |
and there is no deity except Almighty Allah
Wa la Ilaaha Illa Laah |
ولا إله إلا الله |
and Allah is most Great
Wal ALaahu Akbar |
والله أكبر |
2. |
Glory be to Allah
Subhaana Llaahi |
سبحان الله |
and His is all the praise
Wal Hamdu lil Laahi |
والحمد لله |
and there is no deity except Almighty Allah
Wa la Ilaaha Illa Laah |
ولا إله إلا الله |
and Allah is most Great
Wal ALaahu Akbar |
والله أكبر |
3. |
Glory be to Allah
Subhaana Llaahi |
سبحان الله |
and His is all the praise
Wal Hamdu lil Laahi |
والحمد لله |
and there is no deity except Almighty Allah
Wa la Ilaaha Illa Laah |
ولا إله إلا الله |
and Allah is most Great
Wal ALaahu Akbar |
والله أكبر |
finished the above, you say:
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
2 Then you bow in
such a way that the palms of your hands come to rest on the corresponding knee. This is called Rukoo'. You say three times:
be to my Lord most Great and His is the Praise
Subhaana Rabbiya Al-Adheemi wa
Bi-Hamdih |
سبحان ربِيَ العظـبمِ وبحَمْده |
Then you stand up momentarily to say once:
has already heard the one who Praised Him
Sami'a Allaahu Li'man Hamidah |
سمع الله لمَنْ حَمِده |
Having said
that, you say:
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
After this, you do Sujood. This means you go to your knees and prostrate in such a way that you place the palms of your hands on the floor in front of you and place
your forehead on the floor in between your hands (on a clean natural spot). Your knees and the tips of your toes should also touch the floor.
During Sujood
you say three times:
be to my Lord the Most High and His is the Praise
Subhaana Rabbiya Al-A'la wa Bi-Hamdih |
سبحان ربِّيَ ألأعلى وبحَمْده |
5. You sit up momentarily and place your hands on your thighs with your feet under you. Now you say:
Having said
that, you say:
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
I ask
Allah's forgiveness and I repent to Him
As'tagh'fur Allah Rabbi wa
Atoobu Ilayh |
أستغفـر الله ربي وأتوب إليه |
is the Greatest
Allaahu Akbar |
الله أكبر |
You repeat the Sujood, saying the same phrase three times as done with every Sujood, that is:
be to my Lord the Most High and His is the Praise
Subhaana Rabbiya Al-A'la wa Bi-Hamdih |
سبحان ربِّيَ ألأعلى وبحَمْده |
Now that the
fourth Rak'a is finished, sit on your folded legs. You may either have your toes together, heels apart and sit on your feet or you may rest one foot on top
of the other and sit on them.
While in this position, place your
palms on your thighs in a relaxed manner. While in the position of Juloos, you say Al-Tashah'hud followed by Al-Tasleem.
is said following any first two Rak'as. It is also said at the end of the Salat.
2. The TASLEEM is
always said following the Tashah'hud to conclude the Salat.

Tashah'hud |
In Allah's Name and by His Power.
Bismil Allah Wa Billaah |
الله وبالله |
The Praise Belongs to Him
Wal Hamdu Lillaah
لله |
and the Best Names are His
Wa Khayrul Asmaa'i Lillaah |
الأسماء لله |
I Declare That There is no Deity Except Allah,
Ash'hadu Ann Laa Ilaaha Illa Allah |
أشهد أن
لا إله إلا الله |
He is One without a Partner
Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lahu |
وحده لا
شريك له |
And I Declare that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger
Wa Ash'hadu Anna Muhammadan
Abduhu Wa
Rasooluh |
أنَّ محمداً عبده ورسوله |
O Lord! Bless Muhammad
Allahumma Salli
Ala Muhammad Wa
Aali Muhammad |
صلِّ على محمدٍ |
and the Descendants of Muhammad |
وآلِ محمد |
Since Salat of
Maghrib is to be finished, follow Al-Tashah'hud by Al-Tasleem to bring it to conclusion.
VIII Al-Tasleem

Al-Tasleem is said
to conclude the Salat. It is always said after the Tashah'hud. It is said in the following manner:
Tasleem |
May Peace be Unto you, O Prophet
Al-Salaamu Alayka Ayyuha Nabiyyo |
السلام عليك أيُّها النبي
And so will Allah's Mercy and Blessings
Allahi Wa
Barakatuh |
ورَحمةُ الله وبركاته |
May Peace be Unto us and Unto the Righteous Servants of Allah
Al-Salaamu Alayna Wa
Ibaad Allah Al-Saaliheen |
السلام علينا وعلى عباد الله الصالحين |
May Allah's Peace and Mercy be Unto you
Al-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatul
Allah |
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله |
After you say the
last phrase, you raise and lower your hands three times as you say Allaahu Akbar.