of Zainul Abideen
ABIDEEN: 23‑57 yrs
Ø Imam Zainul Abideen prefers seclusion
Ø Imam Zainul Abideen emphasizes Du'aa,
composes a good many
Ø Du'aas are collected in Saheefa Al‑Sajjadiya
Ø Zainul Abideen authors Epistles
of Rights and Obligations
Ø Frequent crying about tribulations of
Ø Succeeds in making Karbala known by
the public
Ø Excessive frequency of worship
Ø Helps the needy and feels for them
Ø Tutors his children, especially Al‑Baaqir
Ø Concentrates on teaching Islam, Fiqh,
Tafseer, Al‑Ah'kaam among other Islamic subjects
Ø Develops a very large following, many
were scholars in Islam who carried the teaching of Islam to the public

Imam Zainul Abideen, only 23 years old
and having freshly returned from Karbala, and,
having had a horrifying experience
during the previous few months,
seeing the desecration of his family
and loved ones, and
going through all the agony
of confronting Ibn Ziyad, then Yazid,
he sought and needed seclusion.
He needed seclusion to, a) collect
himself, b) think clearly, c) plan the course of action in the future, and d) be less of a suspect (that he was going to lead to an uprising against Benu Umayya).
Imam Zainul Abideen secluded
himself in a tent a short distance from Medina, where he lived for longer than a year. His provisions and needs were provided for by his family, whom he saw rather often, but
did not see other people except a very few friends and supporters. This was done on purpose for there were informants everywhere, spying on him, keeping an eye on his contacts,
and trying to see if he would foment a rebellion against Yazid's government. Imam Zainul Abideen was smart enough as not to leave any suspicion whatsoever in that regard.
Being secluded, Imam Zainul
Abideen spent his time in excessive prayers, Munajaat, Du'aas, and crying about how Yazid's forces desecrated Imam Al‑Husain. And while all of this was going on he unleashed
his genius to lay the groundwork for a exquisite plan and a strategy that he would pursue. He did not announce his plan to anyone, but rather kept it to himself. Only after
studying his life style in retrospect do we discover the genius behind this luminous personality. His plan proved, a) to outwit all the ruling people of the time, and, b) leave
the indelible good works for the benefit of Muslims for all generations to come, including us.

Briefly said Imam Zainul Abideen's
plan was to: (Al-Sajjad, by Husain Baaqir, Page 36.)
1. Be
secluded at first
and dissociated from politics, thereby indirectly assuring Yazid and Benu Umayya that he had no interest in taking over the power of Khilaafah from them.
2. Be the
example to the
Ummah especially in the manner of Ibadah (worship). He liked to pray excessively anyway, thus out of reverence people called him Al‑Sajjad.
Emphasize Karbala in
the minds of people, since Karbala, a) was the very undertaking that exposed the evil character of Yazid and Benu Umayya, b) had stood in the face of oppression, and c) revived
piety as the basis of Islamic conduct and in dealings, and made piety ever alive in the hearts of people.
4. Continue to mourn
cry on Imam Al‑Husain's behalf, thereby gaining the sympathy of the people, and indirectly letting them actively participate in the calamity of Karbala.
Deal indirectly through
his uncle, Muhammad Ibn Al‑Hanafiya, with the sympathetic movements in support of Islam and against Yazid and Benu Umayya. (Al-Sajjad,
by Husain Baaqir, Page 87.)
6. Gradually come forth and teach
people seeking Islamic knowledge at his hands.
7. Direct his course of action to
emphasize the Islamic knowledge and its dissemination just as the way Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had taught it, since [Phase II of the 3 pivotal Islamic phases was over,
through Ali, Al‑Hasan, and Al‑Husain].
8. Indirectly expose the
fabrication of Hadith, and Jahiliya practices that Benu Umayya were reviving and introducing in the society. (Al-Sajjad,
by Husain Baaqir, Page 80.)
9. Fully explain the a) Imamah, b) Ismah, and their essential role in Islam, since they were divinely
ordained. (Quoting
one of his Du'aas, "Oh Lord! Bless Your Ahlul Bayt, whom You chose to execute Your works, and made them the reservoir for Your knowledge, the guardians for Your religion,
deputies of Yours on earth, and the path toward Your Paradise."
(See Al-Sajjad, by Husain Baaqir, Page 50. Al-Sudduq.
Also Hulyat Al-Awliyaa' narration from Imam Al-Saadiq.)

Within a year or two Imam Zainul
Abideen's seclusion gradually ended, since the seclusion had already served its purpose.
In Medina, Imam Zainul Abideen was
noticed to cry often. He cried whenever he drank water or ate. He cried day in and day out. At numerous occasions. At different circumstances. Karbala was ever alive in his
mind continuing to torment his memory. Zainul Abideen would remember the dehydrating thirst Imam Al‑Husain went through in Karbala, the hunger, the dismemberment, and the
unthinkable catastrophe that befell him.
People who thought Zainul
Abideen's crying was on an emotional basis were very mistaken. He did not cry just out of the feeling of sympathy for his father, but rather Imam Zainul Abideen used this
method exceedingly well to bind the peoples' loyalty and love to Imam Al‑Husain and his cause. People often cried with him too, and sympathized, and remembered the
cruelty and un‑Islamic practices of Yazid and Benu Umayya. Through all the years of his Imamah, Zainul Abideen never seemed to cease his crying, and the number of people
joining his ways became very large. (Al-Sudduq. Also Hulyat Al-Awliyaa' narration from Imam Al-Saadiq.)
Crying was used very effectively
and even when a butcher wanted to slay his animal Imam Zainul Abideen would ask if he had given water to the animal. When the butcher said, "Yes, of course, that is what Islam
recommends," Imam Zainul Abideen would then cry saying, "But they did not give water to Al‑Husain before they butchered him!" (Seerah
of the Imams, Hashim M. Al-Hassani, Vol. 2, Page 131.)
People even nick‑named Zainul
Abideen as Al‑Bak'kaa',
which means the one who constantly cried.

Imam Zainul Abideen was also known
to perform Salat very often, excessively so. None before him or after him was known to perform so many Salats. It was claimed about him to perform 1,000 Rak'as a day. If you
think of it, other than being exhausting, or very hard to keep track of, we should do some calculation. (Al-Sawaa'iq
al-Muhriqa, by Al-Makki.)
If each Rak'a took 2 minutes, and
if Tashah'hud took two minutes, then a two Rak'a Salat would take at least 6 minutes. This means one Rak'a takes a minimum of 3 minutes. Multiply that by 1,000
and the result is 3,000 minutes. Divide the 3,000 into 60 minutes and the result will be 50 hours which is far more than what constitutes one day. Therefore, what 1,000
Rak'as mean is that Imam Zainul Abideen used to perform Salat excessively, and the 1,000 number is only a manner of Arabic expression, to say that he prayed excessively.
As the days passed, Imam Zainul
Abideen continued to show the same fervor for the acts of worship. His numerous voluntary Salats, his excessive frequency of Sujoods
to thank the Almighty for every small or big incident, and similar acts, showed the Ummah the importance of Allah's remembrance. Rather than being lax, or imitating the
character of Benu Umayya, or the Ruling Monarch (Yazid or others), people emulated Imam Zainul Abideen though at a smaller scale at first.
Zainul Abideen was the pillar that
stood tall in being conscious and conscientious of the Creator, Allah (swt).
As years passed, Imam Zainul
Abideen's Sujoods were so frequent that he developed calluses on his forehead and on his knees. These calluses developed on Zainul Abideen's skin as it rubbed often and
persistently during his numerous Sujoods on something rough.
It was not unusual that when
Zainul Abideen was absorbed in Salat that he cried, asking in a Du'aa for the welfare of people, forgiveness, and other things.
Some people were hoping this would
be temporary but such was not the case for this continued the rest of his life, all 34 years of his Imamah.
Zainul Abideen would become pale
upon doing his Wudu. When others inquired he informed them that he was in the presence of the Almighty. When in Salat, it was not rare to see him shaking as if in fear of
Allah's overwhelming power. Obviously his awareness of the Almighty was at a uniquely high level, greater than anyone else's around him.

The media were primitive in those
days. More or less people depended on frequent verbal information. Books or other norms of information were not that available. Besides, the paid informants of Yazid and Benu
Umayya were everywhere, let alone their secret agents. Therefore, Imam Zainul Abideen had a narrow path to disseminate information from.
Karbala was an event that jolted
the whole Islamic world. But its accurate and non distorted details had to emanate from Imam Zainul Abideen and his aunt Zainab. Since Karbala was:
the site of supreme sacrifice for
an event to keep Islam's integrity
sound, and
an event to expose the misleading
information of Benu Umayya and their administration, Imam Zainul Abideen made sure that Karbala be kept alive.
Zainul Abideen often mentioned
Karbala to friends and acquaintances, to students and scholars, at home or in the mosque. And he would cry and let people cry to actively and collectively
participate in the calamity.
Karbala became indelible in the
minds of thousands, nay, the majority of people. This was so despite the attempts of Yazid and Benu Umayya to cover it up. Their attempts were no match to the zeal of Imam
Zainul Abideen in bringing Karbala in the forefront.
Imam Zainul Abideen urged the people to visit the site of Karbala. To do so people had to bear the hazards of travel, finance the trip, and spend energy to
become part and
parcel of the principles for what Imam Al‑Husain stood. Thus people confirmed their resolve in the Islamic principles Imam Al‑Husain stood for. This became like a booster
strengthening their faith.
Imam Zainul Abideen also encouraged Muslims to observe the anniversary of
every year. He encouraged devotees and loyalists (Shi'a) to gather for the occasion, listen to speeches about it, and revive its memory in the minds, thus build their resolve
Imam Zainul Abideen used to visit the burial area of Imam Al‑Husain every year. He would go un‑announced, often unnoticed. It was the invisible rays that emanated between
father and son, both with the halo of Ismah, that led to these visits.
Imam Zainul Abideen recommended that in Sujood to touch a clean Turbah made from the clay of the area of Karbala, where Imam Al‑Husain was buried. This was recommended so that
a person's highest part of Salat (Sujood) be associated with the cause Imam Al‑Husain gave his life for, meaning authentic Islam. (Bihaar
Al-Anwaar, Vol. 36, Section 5-75.)
Imam Zainul Abideen used a logo: May the Killer of Al‑Husain Ibn Ali be Debased and Defiled. (Al-Sajjad, by
Husain Baaqir.)
With the passage of years, Karbala
became ever more indelible in people's minds. Its cause brought the fruits of authentic Islam, and the Islamic information continued being wholesome. Benu Umayya were no match
to the genius of Imam Zainul Abideen, they failed. Zainul Abideen did his work in the service of Islam, only an Imam can do such. To be emphasized, an Imam is
safeguarded from sin, religious error, and forgetfulness.

An outstanding contribution of
Imam Zainul Abideen was composing Du'aas. Du'aa is an expression of feeling, asking Allah (swt) to respond to a request, or asking Him to send blessings to Muhammad (pbuh) and
Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), i.e., strengthen Islam.
One facet of Imam Zainul Abideen's
genius was expressed in composing Du'aas, which are treasured till today. His Du'aas are often read at home or in the mosques on different occasions. When reciting it in the
Arabic style, and with the communication they call for between a person and the Creator, one often responds with tears in spite of himself.
Some of these Du'aas are short,
others are long, yet others are for certain occasions. There were a total of 54 Du'aas for various occasions, 7 Du'aas for every day of the week, and 15 whispered
Du'aas (Munajaat). These Du'aas are about hope, fear, thanks, devotion, love, mediation, and remembrance of Allah.
These Du'aas are collected in
the Saheefa Al‑Sajjadiya. The latter is often called the
Zaboor or the Psalms of Islam.
What these Du'aas do is to
increase our awareness of the glory of the Almighty, asking Him to forgive us, to keep us feeling humble in His presence.

Imam Zainul Abideen, being from
Ahlul Bayt, [the tree emanating from Muhammad (pbuh) and Ali (a.s.), and purified in the Holy Quran, and attaining Ismah] was endowed with characteristics that must be examined.
Imam Zainul Abideen, the spiritual leader of his time and the example for times to come, was diligent and hard working man in the path of the Almighty.
Imam Zainul Abideen was very forgiving and generous. An example of his generosity was when
his adversary Marwan asked for and got refuge for his family and the families of other Benu Umayya of Medina.
Numerous other examples are
written about Zainul Abideen. One such example was when a relative addressed him in an accusing if not unbecoming manner, then left. People expected a fight, verbal or
otherwise, Imam Zainul Abideen asked them to accompany him. All were expecting trouble, it was a foregone conclusion. When Imam Zainul Abideen was at the door of his
adversary, he spoke these words, "If you were right in what you said, and I was wrong, then may Allah (swt) forgive me. But if you were wrong and I was right, then may Allah
forgive you." (Seerah of Imams, Hashim M. Al-Hassani Vol. 2, Page 148)
The accuser got startled since he
never expected such a retort. He, therefore, apologized, and acknowledged he was in the wrong.
During Ramadhan, Imam Zainul Abideen would record whatever misdemeanor his family or servants made, without saying anything about it at the time. The day before Eid, he would
call them all to a conference, then read out what wrong they did. Upon acknowledging their error, he usually replied, "May Allah forgive you," then he would give his
servants (slaves) their freedom. (Ibn Tawoos, narrated from Imam Al-Saadiq.)
Imam Zainul Abideen had a very melodic voice. When he recited the Holy Quran people used to
stay nearby to enjoy hearing his recitation. (Al-Sajjad,
by Husain Baaqir, Page 161.)
In a day when slaves from the battle fronts used to be abundant, Imam Zainul Abideen used to buy
as many slaves as he could afford, but after a period of service and educating them about Islam he used to set them free. They were called Mawaali,
and many did not want to leave him because of his kindness and holiness. (Mawaali was also a term used to people who
converted to Islam, often from non-Arabic ancestry.) In time the number of Mawaali became very large,
and they became enthusiastic supporters of him and would also teach Islam to their friends according to the way he taught them. Imam Zainul Abideen freed a very large number of
slaves, almost matching the number his grandfather, Imam Ali, emancipated.
Imam Zainul Abideen was revered in the community since he was the Imam of the Ummah. Benu
Umayya could not cut him down in the eyes of the people, he was too high of a figure for them. Their failure was the success for Islam. Islamic power will always
overshadow anything else.
Imam Zainul Abideen had empathy for the poor and needy. He was always busy helping them for
he regarded the needy as doing him a favor by asking for his help. Zainul Abideen reasoned that by rendering help he would be rewarded by the Almighty many times the value
of such help. Therefore, he was the one to profit in the long run.
Imam Zainul Abideen used to carry sacs of flour and other food material on his back every night.
He had a long list of families to receive his help. Many families used to wait for him, yet they could not recognize him, since he did it disguised. They used to
call him: The man with the cover on his face, and only his eyes showing!
This help continued for as many
years as he was the Imam, probably for 34 years. It is reported that as many as 100 families depended on him for their livelihood at various times. Even his back became
hunched, and developed calluses, from carrying the weight of the sacs of flour and food on it. (Ahmad Ibn Hanbal.
Also Al-Siddooq narrated from Imam Muhammad Al-Baaqir.)
It was only after he died, and the
provisions stopped, that these families realized who their benefactor was!
During Ramadhan Imam Zainul Abideen asked his family to prepare (cook) one sheep each day for
distribution to the needy, be it in the form of pots of soup, stew, and others. He would taste the food to make sure it was good, and the food was given to the poor and
needy to break their fast on it. But for him, he would eat the least edible of the left over! (Al-Sajjad, by Husain Baaqir, Page 188.)
Zainul Abideen never wore his clothes for more than one season. He made sure to freely
donate his clothes to the needy and poor. This continued throughout his life, summer or winter, year in, year out. (Al-Sajjad, by Husain Baaqir, Page 193.)
Imam Zainul Abideen financially helped numerous needy people. By alleviating their want he
gained their everlasting friendship and devotion. Contrast this to Benu Umayya, who for example, to win loyalist and influence people, Mu'awiya was the first of them to
freely use the treasury department. Benu Umayya used much of the public funds for their administration and their own persons. The treasury money was public money
like tax money these days, it was supposed to be distributed wisely to the common man according to their needs.

Describe the experience of Zainul Abideen when he was 23 years old.
List the four points Zainul Abideen needed when he returned from Damascus to Medina.
Who contacted Zainul Abideen when he was in seclusion?
List the 9 points that stood out in Zainul Abideen's plan for the future.
How long did the seclusion of Zainul Abideen last?
Evaluate the reason for Zainul Abideen's frequent crying.
Evaluate the reasons for Zainul Abideen's excessively praying.
Identify the value of the excessive Sujoods of Zainul Abideen.
What happened to the forehead of Zainul Abideen because of the Sujoods?
Mention the 5 points Zainul Abideen stressed about Karbala.
What is the value of visiting Karbala?
Zainul Abideen visited Karbala on yearly basis. How did he used to go?
What kind of logo did Zainul Abideen use?
Explain the value of commemorating Karbala in the form of anniversary Majlis.
What is Turbah?
Describe Al‑Saheefa Al‑Sajjadiya.
What is Zaboor (Psalms) of Islam.
Mention 5 personal attributes of Zainul Abideen that impressed you.
Give an example of the generosity and forgiveness of Zainul Abideen to Marwan's family and his 400 relatives.
Explain what Zainul Abideen used to do during Ramadhan.
How did Zainul Abideen deal with his Mawaali?
Explain how the Muslim community looked upon Zainul Abideen.
Describe how Zainul Abideen distributed food to the poor.
What did Zainul Abideen prepare during Ramadhan for the poor?
Describe the manner in which Zainul Abideen gained loyalists.