You may choose to read this Du'aa after Ishaa' prayer

Author: Imam Ali


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Du’aa After Subh  Salat

دُعاء:  تعقيب صلاة الصبح

Arabic by way of Mafateeh Al-Jinaan

Translation by way of

Edited and categorized by Dr. Hashim



اللهم يا من دلع لسان الصباح بنطق تبلجه،


وسرح قطع الليل المظلم بغياهب تلجلجه،


وأتقن صنع الفلك الدوار في مقادير تبرجه،


وشعشع ضياء الشمس بنور تأججه.


يا من دل على ذاته بذاته،


وتنزه عن مجانسة مخلوقاته،


وجل عن ملاءمة كيفياته.


يا من قرب من خطرات الظنون، وبعد عن لحظات العيون، وعلم بما كان قبل أن يكون.


يا من أرقدني في مهاد أمنه وأمانه،


وأيقظني إلى ما منحني به من مننه وإحسانه،


وكف أكف السوء عني بيده وسلطانه.


صل اللهم على الدليل إليك في الليل الأليل،


والماسك من أسبابك بحبل الشرف الأطول،


والناصع الحسب في ذروة الكاهل الأعبل،


والثابت القدم على زحاليفها في الزمن الأول، وعلى آله الأخيار المصطفين الأبرار....

bulletOh God, Oh He who extends the morning's tongue in the speech of its dawn,
bulletAnd Dispatches the fragments of the dark night into a stammering obscurity,
bulletAnd has exacted the path of the stars in the sphere of their display
bulletAnd beamed forth the light of the sun through the blaze of its light!
bulletOh He who demonstrates His Essence by His Essence,
bulletTranscends conformity with His creatures
bulletAnd highly exalted above compliance with His qualities!
bulletOh He who is near to the passing thoughts of opinions, but be far from eyes to see and know, Who knows what will be before what it comes to be!
bulletOh He who has put me at ease in the cradle of His security and sanctuary,
bulletAnd awakens me to the favors and kindness He has conferred on me,
bulletAnd has helped me from the claws of evil with His care and regard!
bulletBless, oh God, the guide to Thee in the darkest night,
bulletHim who clings to Thy ropes, to the cord steeped in nobility,
bulletHim whose glory is evident at the summit of stout shoulders
bulletAnd whose feet were entrenched despite the slippery sites in ancient time;
bulletAnd bless his household, the good, the chosen, the pious, .....


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