أشعار رائعة للإمام علي عليه السلام
Imam Ali's
Poem Translated
Invocation in Verse
Munajat by Imam Ali (as)
By Tahera Ali Canani
لك الحمد يا ذا الجود والمجد والعلى تباركت تعطي من تشاء وتمنع
For You is all praise, O Possessor of Bounty, Glory and Eminence,
Glory be to You – You grant to whosoever You will, and withhold
الهي وخلاّقي وحرزي وموئلي اليك لدى الإعسار واليسر أفزع
O Allah! My Creator, my Fortress, and my Refuge!
To You I resort, in hardship and in ease, for relief
الهي لئن جلّت وجمّت خطيئتي فعفوك عن ذنبي أجل وأوسع
O Allah! Even if my mistakes have become grave and numerous
Then Your Forgiveness is far greater (than those sins), and
الهي لئن أعطيتُ نفسي سؤلها فها أنا في روض النّدامة أرتع
O Allah! if I had given my soul all that it desired,
Then there I would be, lost in the land of regret!
الهي ترى حالي وفقري وفاقتي وأنت مناجاتي الخفية تسمع
O Allah! You see my position, my poverty and my destitution,
And You hear my softly whispered supplication,
الهي فلا تقطع رجائي ولا تزغ فؤادي فلي في سيب جودك مطمع
O Allah! So sever not my hopes nor distract my heart (from You),
For I pine for the bounties of Your Generosity
الهي لئن خيّبتني أو طردتني فمن ذا الذي أرجو ومن ذا أشفّع
O Allah! If You thwart me or chase me away,
Then who can I hope from, and who can I make intercede for me?
O Allah! Keep me from Your punishment, indeed I am
Captive, abased, fearful, and subservient to You.
الهي فآنسني بتلقين حجّتي إذا كان لي في القبر مثوىً ومضجع
O Allah! Let knowledge of the (ultimate) proofs accompany me
When my grave becomes my abode and home
الهي لئن عذّبتني الف حِجّة فحبل رجائي منك لا يتقطّع
O Allah! Even if You punish me for a thousand years,
My hopes in You will nonetheless never be severed
الهي أذقني طعم عفوك يوم لا بنون ولا مال هنالك ينفع
O Allah! Let me savour Your forgiveness on the day
When neither progeny nor wealth will be of any avail
الهي إذا لم تعفو عن غير محسن فمن لمسيءٍ بالهوى يتمتّع
O Allah! If you do not forgive any but the doers of good,
Then who is there for the disobedient, who indulge in their
الهي إذا لم ترعني كنت ضائعا وإن كنت ترعاني فلست أضيّع
O Allah! If you do not watch out for me, I will be lost!
But since You do watch over me, I am never lost.
الهي لئن فرطت في طلب التقى فها أنا اثر العفو أقفو وأتبع
O Allah! Even though I have been negligent in pursuing goodness,
I am now tracing and following the path to forgiveness.
الهي لئن أخطأت جهلاً فطالما رجوتك حتى قيل ما هو يجزع
O Allah! I may have sinned in ignorance, but I have also always
Hoped (for Your Grace), until others wondered if I ever worried
(about rejection)
الهي ذنوبي بذّت الطود واعتلت وصفحك عن ذنبي أجل وأرفع
O Allah! My sins have become mountains or even higher,
But Your capacity for pardon is far greater and loftier
O Allah! Remembrance of your might alleviates my sorrow
While remembrance of my mistakes makes my eyes shed tears
الهي أقلني عثرتي وامح حوبتي فإني مقرٌ خائفٌ متضرّع
O Allah! Reduce my lapses and efface my sins
For (here) I am confessing, fearful and beseeching.
الهي أنلني منك روحًا وراحةً فلست سوى أبواب فضلك أقرع
O Allah! Grant me peace from You, and tranquility
For I knock but at the gates of Your mercy
الهي إذا اقصيتني أو أهنتني فما حيلتي يا ربّ أم كيف أصنع
O Allah! If you distance me from Yourself or debase me,
Then what recourse do I have, O Lord – what would I do?
الهي حليف الحبّ في الليل ساهر يناجي ويدعو والمغفّل يهجع
O Allah! Those drowned in (Your) love remain awake all night
Entreating (You) and supplicating, while the unmindful slumber
الهي وهذا الخلق ما بين نائم ومنتبهٍ في ليله يتضرّع
O Allah! Here are creatures, most of whom are asleep,
But the mindful use their nights to supplicate to You
وكلّهم يرجو نوالك راجيًا لرحمتك العظمى وفي الخلد يطمع
But all of them hope for Your favours, and remain hopeful
Of Your infinite Mercy, and of a Heaven eternal
الهي يمنّيني رجائي سلامة وقبح خطيئاتي عليّ يشنّع
O Allah! My hopes have allowed me to desire amnesty,
While the ugliness of my sins has held me back
الهي فإن تعفو فعفوك منقذي وإلاّ فبالذّنب المدمّر أصرع
O Allah! So if You forgive me, Your pardon will save me,
Else I will be destroyed by my devastating misdeeds
O Allah! For the sake of the Hashimite Muhammad,
And the sacredness of the purified (ones) who humble themselves
before You
الهي بحق المصطفى وابن عمّه وحرمة أبرارٍ همُ لك خشّع
O Allah! For the sake of Mustafa and his cousin,
And the sanctity of the virtuous (ones) who truly submit to You
الهي فأنشرني على دين أحمد منيبًا تقيًّا قانتًا لك أخضع
O Allah! Resurrect me as a follower of the religion of Ahmad,
And as a repentant, devout, obedient, and humble (servant) to You
ولا تحرمنّي يا الهي وسيّدي شفاعته الكبرى فذاك المشفّع
And do not deny me, O my Allah, O my Master,
His noble intercession, for he is the (perfect) mediator,
وصلّ عليه ما دعاك موحّد وناجاك أخيارٌ ببابك ركّع
And bless him whenever a monotheist calls upon You,
And whenever the righteous bow at Your door, beseeching You.
Munajat of Imam Ali (a) (also known as Munajat of Masjide Kufa)
A Hadith on Munajat
A Hadith of the Holy Prophet (s) says:
and when the servant (of Allah) turns to His
master in the middle of the night and does Munajat, Allah will illuminate his heart. And when he says My Lord, the Most Majestic will respond saying, Here I am O My servant, ask
Me and I will give you, and rely on Me, I will be sufficient for you. then Allah turns to the angels and says: My angels! Look at my servant. He has turned to me in the middle
of the night, while the idle ones are oblivious, and the heedless ones are sleeping. Bear witness that I have forgiven him.
A Note on Munajat
The word Munajat in Arabic is sometimes confused
with the Urdu word munajat meaning a recital or aQasida. This Munajat is often recited in praise of the Ahlul bayt (a). However the word Munajat in Arabic means secret
conversation or confidental talk. It comes from the word Najwa Allah says in the Holy Quran:
There is no secret conversation between three
people except that he is the fourth of them nor (between) five but He is the sixth of them, nor less than that nor more but He is with them wheresoever they are: then He will
inform them of what they did on the Day of resurrection: surely Allah is aware of all things.(58.7)
for the belivers who love Allah, the Munajat is a
form of communication with their Lord which gives peace and solace to the hearts. Many Imams have Munajat which have been compiled in different books. An example is
As-Saheefa as- Sajjadiyyah which has 15 whispered prayers from Imam Zaynul' Abidin(as)