MuhammadAli was
occupied with what his father, Abdul-Rahman, said about parents, families, and spouses. He wondered about what noble things Islam says in regard to women. So he
asked, "Dad, what does Islam recommend about women?"
"I am glad you
asked, since this is a subject greatly misunderstood in the West," his father answered. He then continued, "Islam enjoins upon Muslims to be careful about women in a
society. It advises to treat women on equal terms, be it their rights or obligations. This was at a time in history when women were treated harshly, more or less like
a piece of property and often held in contempt. Islamic recommendations were very revolutionary then and most constructive. It jarred the society in the way it
regarded women. Let us refer to the Holy Quran and see what it says:
وَلَهُنَّ مِثْلُ الَّذِي
عَلَيْهِنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ
...And Women Shall
Have Rights Over Men Similar To Those For Men Over Women.
2: Ayah 228)
This declared that
there are no differences between men and women in the sight of God. Both are responsible for their deeds, and both will be held accountable for them.
Let us also
consider what Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said about women:
أكمَـلُ المُؤمنينَ
إيمـناً أحسَنَهُم خُلُقاً، وخِيَارُكُم خِيَارُكُم لِنِسائهم
The Finest
Among The Faithful Is The One Whose Moral Character Is Best,
And The Best Among You
Are The Ones Who Are Finest To Their Women. Tirmidhi
ألنسـاءُ شَقَــائِق
Women Are The Other Half
Of Men.
Other Hadiths of the
Prophet (pbuh) and/or sayings of the Imams are given here:
The World And All Things In It Are Valuable; But The Most Valuable Thing In The World Is A Virtuous Woman.
Allah Enjoins You To Treat Women Well, For They Are Your Mothers,
Daughters, And Aunts.
The Rights Of Women Are Sacred. See That Women Are Maintained In The Rights Assigned To Them.
said Abdul-Rahman with emphasis, "See how tender and delicate these recommendations are on behalf of women! These Hadiths were said at a time when women were often
mistreated, disrespected, and had virtually no rights, in other words, she was like a property or a possession. Islam changed all that.
Islam enjoined on
Muslims to give women their rights and to treat them kindly and tenderly. Islam elevated the status of women to where it should be.
If a woman happens
to be your mother or your sister, aunt or niece, she must be held in respect and love. She should be well cared for and appreciated.
A good woman, of
decency and virtue, is a great thing in itself. She is most valuable and most prized.
A woman is a
delicate person, with sensitivity that should be well guarded. Yet, at the same time, she must be considerate of her husband and children, and be good to them as they
are good to her. It therefore becomes a mutual endeavor, each side helping and appreciating the other."
"It is wonderful
of Islam to give such high directives about women," MuhammadAli said reflectively.
answered briefly:
the rights of women are sacred in Islam
virtuous, good, and modest women are highly valued
women are sensitive, be it emotionally or otherwise
the responsibility is mutual, women should do their share in the welfare of the family, as do men.

MuhammadAli just
returned home after helping the neighbors with many chores. He was wondering what Islam recommended about neighbors. "Dad, I am wondering what Islam says about being
neighborly. I have just finished helping them."
"That is very
commendable," Abdul-Rahman said, "It is very nice to have good neighborly feeling? Isn't it nice to help and be kind to our neighbors and they, in return, do likewise?
A neighborhood
blessed with friendly families is a marvelous community. They exchange visits, help each other, and what is offered one day will be offered back later. The children
and adults become trusted friends, and all will establish healthy, happy relationships. The Holy Quran says about neighborliness:
وَاعْبُدُواْ اللّهَ وَلاَ
تُشْرِكُواْ بِهِ شَيْئًا وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا وَبِذِي الْقُرْبَى وَالْيَتَامَى وَالْمَسَاكِينِ وَالْجَارِ ذِي الْقُرْبَى وَالْجَارِ الْجُنُبِ وَالصَّاحِبِ
بِالجَنبِ وَابْنِ السَّبِيلِ وَمَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يُحِبُّ مَن كَانَ مُخْتَالاً فَخُورًا
Allah And Associate None With Him. Show Kindness To Your Parents And Kinsfolk, And To The Orphans, To The Needy, To Your Near And Distant Neighbors, To Your
Fellow‑Travelers, To The Wayfarer, And To What Your Right Hands Possess: For Allah Loves Not The Arrogant And Haughty Men.
4: Ayah 36)
The Almighty enjoins on us to be good to our parents first, then relatives, then orphans and those in need; then He directs us to do good to our neighbors. Being
good to neighbors is enjoined by Allah (swt). There are many Hadiths and recommendations about neighborliness. Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said:
مَن كانَ يُؤمنُ باللهِ
والَيومِ الآخِر فليَـقُل خَيراً أو ِليَصْمُت
ومَن كانَ يُؤمنُ باللهِ
والَيومِ الآخِر فلْيُكرمٍ جَـاره
ومَن كانَ يُؤمنُ باللهِ
والَيومِ الآخِر فلْيُكرمٍ ضَيْفَه
Let The Believer In Allah
And Day Of Judgment Either Speak Good Or Keep Silent. Let The Believer In Allah And Day Of Judgment Honor His Neighbor. Let The Believer In Allah And Day Of Judgment
Honor His Guest
Muslim And Bukhari
ما زآل جِبْـريلُ يُوصِيني
بالجَّـار حتّى ظَننتُ أنه سَيُورثُه
A'isha Relates That The
Holy Prophet Said `Gabriel Advised Me So Repeatedly To Care For My Neighbor That I Thought Allah Was To Make The Neighbor My Inheritor!
Muttafaq Alayh
خَيرُ الأصْحابِ عند اللهِ
تعالى خَيْرُهم لِصاحِبهِ، وخَيرُ الجِيرانِ عند اللهِ تعالى خَيْرُهم لِجارِهِ
The Finest In The Sight
Of Allah Is The Person Who Is Best To His Friends. And The Finest In The Sight Of Allah Is The Person Who Is Best To His Neighbor. Tirmidhi
مَن كانَ يُؤمنُ باللهِ
والَيومِ الآخِر فَلْيُحسِن إلى جَارهِ...
Let Him Who Believes In
Allah And The Day Of Judgment Not Harm His Neighbor..
"As you read the
above Hadiths, MuhammadAli," continued Abdul-Rahman, "You will notice how important it is to be neighborly. It is wonderful to be neighborly, help those nearby, be
good friends with them, and cooperate with them. Not only will the children benefit, but so will the adults and the whole neighborhood as well. This is more so if our
neighbors are elderly or disabled, needing our help and understanding."
"So from what you
are telling me Islam urges us to be helping and very good neighbors," MuhammadAli commented.
answered briefly:
That it
is gracious to be neighborly
cooperation with our neighbors is certainly better than discord
being neighborly is the beginning of good relationship
That we
should be particularly helpful if our neighbors are old, disabled, or needy."

Widows and Orphans
"How about widows
and orphans? What does Islam say, Dad?" asked MuhammadAli curiously.
Abdul-Rahman was
in a talkative mood so he answered, "Of all people who need our understanding, sympathy, and help, widows and orphans need them most. A widow with little or no support
often suffers a lot or is at a disadvantage. If she has children the problem becomes acute and the situation precarious. See what the Almighty says in the Holy
وَيُطْعِمُونَ الطَّعَامَ
عَلَى حُبِّهِ مِسْكِينًا وَيَتِيمًا وَأَسِيرًا
إِنَّمَا نُطْعِمُكُمْ
لِوَجْهِ اللَّهِ لا نُرِيدُ مِنكُمْ جَزَاء وَلا شُكُورًا
And They Feed,
For The Love Of Allah, The Indigent, The Orphan, And The Captives, Saying: We Feed You For Allah's Sake: No Reward Do We Seek From You Nor Thanks.
76: Ayah 8-9)
وَآتُواْ الْيَتَامَى
أَمْوَالَهُمْ وَلاَ تَتَبَدَّلُواْ الْخَبِيثَ بِالطَّيِّبِ وَلاَ تَأْكُلُواْ أَمْوَالَهُمْ إِلَى أَمْوَالِكُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ حُوبًا كَبِيرًا
And As To The
Orphans, Restore Their Property (When They Reach Their Age), Don't Substitute Your Bad Things For Their Good Ones, And Devour Not Their Funds (By Mixing It Up) With
Your Own;
For Of A Certainty This
Is A Great Sin.
4: Ayah 2)
وَأَمَّا السَّائِلَ فَلا تَنْهَرْ
وَأَمَّا بِنِعْمَةِ رَبِّكَ فَحَدِّثْ
Treat Not The Orphan With Oppression, Nor Be Harsh To The Seeker Of Information, But Speak Publicly Of The Bounty Of Your Lord.
93: Ayah 9-11)
أَرَأَيْتَ الَّذِي يُكَذِّبُ
بِالدِّينِ فَذَلِكَ
الَّذِي يَدُعُّ الْيَتِيمَ
يَحُضُّ عَلَى طَعَامِ الْمِسْكِينِ
Have You Seen
The One Who Denies Religion? It Is He Who Turns Away The Orphan And Does
Not Urge Others
To Feed The Poor....
107: Ayah 1-3)
"As we see," said
Abdul-Rahman, "the Creator (swt) urges us to do everything in our power to help the orphans and widows. That means not only material help but also help with their
worldly affairs. Allah rewards us (thawaab) very well for these deeds and He oversees and knows all about us.
Let us take some
Hadiths in this regard. Muhammad (pbuh) says:
السَّاعي على ألأرْمَلةِ
والمِسْكينِ كَالمُجَاهدُ في سَبيلِ اللهِ أو القائمِ الَّليْـل الصائمِ النهار
A Giver Of Maintenance To
The Widows And The
Poor Is Like A Giver In The Way Of God,
An Utterer Of Prayers All Night, And Fasting During The Day.
Other Hadiths of the
Prophet (pbuh) and/or sayings of the Imams are given here:
The Person Who Strives For The Widows And The Poor Is Like One Who Strives
In The Way Of God.
"You see, a widow is in need," continued
Abdul-Rahman, "And it is an honor to help and support her. It is essential we strive hard to assist and support the widow and orphan.
Orphans are even
at a greater disadvantage. They not only need support, but also guidance and care. Both the Holy Quran and the Prophet (pbuh) request us to pay extra care to such
situations. Allah's Messenger (pbuh) has said:
أنا وكافلُ اليَـتيمِ في
الجَنَّةِ هكذا (وأشار بإصبعيه السبابة والوسطى)
I And The Person Who
Brings Up An Orphan
Will Be Like This In Heavens; And He Put His Index And Middle Finger
The Finest Home Is The One In Which An Orphan Is Treated Well, And The
Worst Home Is The One In Which An Orphan Is Ill‑Treated.
Instruct The Orphan In The Manner You Educate Your Own Child; If You
Punish Him, Punish Him Like You Would Your Own Child. (Imam
Children who have
lost a parent are at a great disadvantage; they feel deprived and different from others. Some are so unfortunate as to lose both parents and consequently are all by
themselves, almost helpless.
Muslims are to be
very sensitive to the needs of the orphans and their support; to give help and assistance whenever and wherever possible. The orphans may need care until they become
independent. During those years, they need advice, direction, support, and love like other children. Their possessions need protection and supervision as well.
Therefore, orphans and widows are to have extra care, protection, advice and supervision, all for the sake of the Almighty and humanity. The effort in their support is
what the Prophet describes as 'A struggle in the way of God,' which is a very noble end in itself."
"Islam comes with
strong support to widows and orphans," MuhammadAli said admiringly. Abdul-Rahman answered briefly:
widows and orphans need our help which should be offered as a duty and voluntarily
we should support both emotionally
we should support them financially
we should assist them with everyday chores, if our help is needed
we should help, yet let them keep their dignity and self respect
an orphan is at a great disadvantage
more than
anyone else, an orphan needs our understanding, assistance, and protection
our assistance should be available to the orphan until he is grown and able to care for himself
an orphan and his possessions are like an important trust in our hands, a trust to be taken seriously.

ABOUT The Sick
"Dad," said
MuhammadAli sadly, "My friend is in the hospital for an operation. He has appendicitis. I feel for him, and have just visited him."
"That is very good
of you," replied his father, "you have performed an act of goodness. We are grateful that we are healthy, but sooner or later when a person becomes sick he needs
empathy and care, and will appreciate a call or a visit from family and friends.
Allah's Messenger,
Muhammad (pbuh) said:
حقُّ المسلمِ على المسلمِ
خَمْسٌ: رَدُّ السَّلام، وعِيادَةُ المريضِ، واتِّباعُ الجَّنائز، وإجابةُ الدعْوةِ، وتَشْميتُ العاطِسِ
The Rights Of A Muslim
Over Another Are Five:
Answering The Greetings,
Visiting The Sick, Attend The Funeral Procession, Accept The Invitation, And Bless Him When He Sneezes.
Muttafaq Alayh
Other Hadiths of the
Prophet (pbuh) and/or sayings of the Imams are given here:
Feed The Hungry, Visit The Sick, And Free The Captive If He Is Unjustly
Confined. Assist Any Person Oppressed, Whether Muslim Or Non‑Muslim.
When You Go To Visit The Sick Comfort Him In His Grief And Wish Him Well
And To Live Long. Though Such Sympathy Will Not Prevent His Due Course, It Will Comfort Him And Solace His Soul.
A sick person
needs extra care and sympathy. All of us, sooner or later, are likely to get sick. On becoming ill we feel troubled and even develop a bad temper, or simply feel very
bad or worry about our condition among other things.
As Muslims we must
comfort the sick and make him feel at ease. Sometimes words of assurance act like medicine—not that they will cure him, but just to make him feel better.
Won't it be good,
then, to visit and comfort the sick, be they in a hospital or at home? Won't it be nice to be good company to a sick person, the very one who appreciates such
company? Yes, it is a solace to his soul."
"Then I have done
a good Islamic job, Dad," MuhammadAli said in a reflective manner.
"Yes," answered
his father, "as I said, it was good, very good."
"What you are
telling me is that Islam entreats us toward good behavior and acts in regard to the sick?" MuhammadAli asked.
answered briefly:
when a
person is sick, he is not feeling well and needs our patience and sympathy
it is
good to visit a sick person, whether he is in the hospital or at home
friendly words of encouragement can be of help
sick person will appreciate our visit.

"Dad," asked
MuhammadAli, "I am curious. What does Islam say about debts?"
"Islam encourages
us to repay our debts as soon as we are able to," answered his father who then continued, "We are to return the favor to the debtor with our thanks and gratitude. The
indebted man who does not do so is committing an offensive act, and Islam strongly discourages such acts. The person who returns his debt is like someone who returns
his trust; he will be regarded as dependable, decent, and honest. The person who does not return his debt is betraying his trust, he is not too different from a
thief. He will lose people's confidence and Allah will hold him accountable in due time.
Referring to the
Holy Quran, let us see what the Almighty says:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ
آمَنُواْ إِذَا تَدَايَنتُم بِدَيْنٍ إِلَى أَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّى فَاكْتُبُوهُ وَلْيَكْتُب بَّيْنَكُمْ كَاتِبٌ بِالْعَدْلِ…
When You Deal
In Contracting A Debt For A Fixed Time, Write It Down.....And From Among You, Let Someone Write It Faithfully. (Surah
2: Ayah 282)
The Prophet (pbuh) has said:
مَن أخَذَ أموالَ النَّاسِ
يُريدُ أدَائَهَا أدَّى اللهُ عَنهُ
و مَن أخَذَ يُريْدُ
إتْلافِها أتْلفَهُ الله
To Be In Debt Intending
To Repay It, Allah Will Pay It On His Behalf, (By Providing The Means To Pay It), And To Be In Debt Intending To Squander It, Allah Will Bring The Person To Ruin.
Other Hadiths of the
Prophet (pbuh) and/or sayings of the Imams are given here:
Delaying The Payment Of A Debt By A Well‑To‑Do Person Is
Deferring Payment Of Debts By One Who Has The Means To Repay,
Legalizes His Punishment And Dishonor.
said Abdul-Rahman with emphasis, "When in need, and a person has relatives or friends who can lend to him, he may borrow from them. But he must have the full intention
to repay the debt as soon as possible. This is the least he can do to return the favor." Abdul-Rahman paused in thought and then added, "If he is grateful for being
trusted and given the money he needed, then paying it back should be with thanks and gratitude.
The person who
doesn't intend to pay back his debts deserves disgrace and a just punishment. That is because it is one way of breaking a trust, damaging others and being ungrateful.
It is only a cheater who does such a thing, a Muslim should always be honest and reliable."
"Islam then
recommends that we observe definite rules in regard to indebtedness," MuhammadAli remarked.
answered briefly:
That on
borrowing money, a Muslim should pay it back as soon as possible
when a person pays back his debt quickly, he proves to be trustworthy, worthy of peoples' confidence in him
when a person returns his debt he also proves grateful to the ones who had lent him what he needed
That it
is good to lend money to friends and relatives if they are in need, but first make sure they can be trusted.

ABOUT Honest
"How about
begging? Is it an evil thing too?" MuhammadAli asked, now that his store of Islamic knowledge has expanded so much.
His father
sneezed, excused himself and then answered, "Islam urges every able man to work and earn his living the decent way. The dignity of work stands high in Islam, and
Muslims are encouraged to be dependable and responsible workers. This is the proper way Muslims earn their living and provide for their families.
Fortunately most
people are able to work and provide for their families. Islam urges us to work hard for our living and to be independent, since being in need of others may make us
lose our dignity and self‑respect. However, there are those who are less fortunate, and may be in need to an extent. For those who are not able to work, Allah
provides for them by ordering us to extend a helping hand. Allah says in the Quran:
وَفِي أَمْوَالِهِمْ حَقٌّ
لِّلسَّائِلِ وَالْمَحْرُومِ
.....In Their
Wealth The Needy And The Destitute Have Their Due. (Surah
51: Ayah 19)
Let us also quote some Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):
لأَنْ يأخُذَ أحدُكُم
حَبْلهُ فَيأتِي بحُزْمةِ حَطب على ظَهرِهِ فيَـبيعَها فَيَكُفَّ اللهُ بها وجْههُ
خَيْرٌُُ لهُ مِن أنْ
يسألَ النّاسَ: أعْطُوهُ أو مَنَعُوهُ
It Is Better For Any Of
You To Take Your Rope And Bring A Bundle Of Wood And Sell It, (In Which Case Allah Will Guard Your Honor) Than To Beg Of People, Who May Give Him Or Reject Him
Other Hadiths of the
Prophet (pbuh) and/or sayings of the Imams are given here:
The One Who Is Able And Fit And Does Not Work For Himself Or For Others,
Allah Is Not Gracious To Him.
Allah Is Gracious To The One Who Earns His Living By His Own Labor And Not
By Begging.
The One Who Has Enough Food For A Day And Night‑It Is Prohibited For Him
To Beg.
Pursuit Of Lawful Livelihood Is The Obligation Of Every Muslim, Man Or
Woman. To Struggle For One's Family's Livelihood Is Like Fighting In The Way Of God. When Muhammad (Pbuh) Was Asked, "Whose Earnings Are Better?," The Prophet (Pbuh)
Answered, "Of Him Who Toils With His Own Hands.
A Wise Man Relies On His Efforts And The Fool Relies On His Hopes. (Imam
A righteous Muslim
is a decent person. To earn his living he has to work for it. The kind of work depends on his capacity and the opportunities available to him. As a matter of fact,
women are also allowed to work in the field of their specialty so long as it does not interfere with family responsibilities.
Therefore, Islam
urges Muslims to depend on themselves, work hard and honorably and to earn their living as best as they can.
The person who
begs of people will lose his self‑respect, will be looked down upon, and his dignity will suffer."
"Islam then
teaches us to work hard and not to beg," MuhammadAli said.
answered briefly:
That we
should earn a living by working hard for it in an honorable way
begging is an inferior short‑cut to sustain one's self
some people are not able to work for certain reasons, and they depend on us for help. They are not to be scorned upon, and we should be glad to help so to allow
them to preserve self-respect.